Past Event: 2020 NCSBN Nursing Education Approval Guidelines Virtual Conference


February 12, 2020




Best Practices, Education, Research


Board Members, Board Staff, Nursing Educators, Policy Makers

Knowledge Network

Education, Research


After conducting three national studies and a literature review, NCSBN has developed evidence-based Approval Guidelines that Nursing Regulatory Bodies can use when approving nursing education programs. NCSBN is delighted to present this comprehensive work to you in a virtual conference. During the conference we will discuss the results of the studies, literature review and the Approval Guidelines. Additionally, we’ll present our annual report core data template and explain how it could be implemented in your states/jurisdictions.

Event Presentations

Watch Nursing Education Approval Guidelines - Segment 1 Video

Nursing Education Approval Guidelines - Segment 1

Presented by
Nancy Spector, PhD, RN, FAAN, Director, Regulatory Innovations, NCSBN, Janice Hooper, PhD, RN, FRE, CNE, FAAN, ANEF, Nursing Consultant for Education, Texas Board of Nursing
Watch Nursing Education Approval Guidelines - Segment 2 Video

Nursing Education Approval Guidelines - Segment 2

Presented by
Brendan Martin, PhD, Associate Director, Research, NCSBN,Nancy Spector, PhD, RN, FAAN, Director, Regulatory Innovations, NCSBN
Watch Nursing Education Approval Guidelines - Segment 3 Video

Nursing Education Approval Guidelines - Segment 3

Presented by
Nancy Spector, PhD, RN, FAAN, Director, Regulatory Innovations, NCSBN, Janice Hooper, PhD, RN, FRE, CNE, FAAN, ANEF, Nursing Consultant for Education, Texas Board of Nursing, Brendan Martin, PhD, Associate Director, Research, NCSBN
Watch Nursing Education Approval Guidelines - Segment 4 Video

Nursing Education Approval Guidelines - Segment 4

Presented by
Brendan Martin, PhD, Associate Director, Research, NCSBN,Nancy Spector, PhD, RN, FAAN, Director, Regulatory Innovations, NCSBN,Janice Hooper, PhD, RN, FRE, CNE, FAAN, ANEF, Nursing Consultant for Education, Texas Board of Nursing