WEBVTT 00:00:14.180 --> 00:00:19.950 position:50% align:middle So, the finance committee report. I would like to start first 00:00:19.950 --> 00:00:25.966 position:50% align:middle by acknowledging the members of the 2018, 2019 finance committee. 00:00:26.350 --> 00:00:29.295 position:50% align:middle And if you're here, would you please stand? 00:00:29.720 --> 00:00:33.034 position:50% align:middle First is Gayle Bellamy, from North Carolina. 00:00:33.892 --> 00:00:35.424 position:50% align:middle I don't think Gayle is here. 00:00:35.880 --> 00:00:46.260 position:50% align:middle John Etherington, from Oregon, Karen Lyon, from Louisiana, Shan Montgomery 00:00:46.260 --> 00:00:54.413 position:50% align:middle from Mississippi, David Saucedo from Texas, and Randy Smith from Kentucky. 00:00:56.420 --> 00:01:00.130 position:50% align:middle And we've had a wonderful committee that's been working very hard 00:01:00.130 --> 00:01:01.437 position:50% align:middle throughout the year. 00:01:01.850 --> 00:01:07.757 position:50% align:middle And I'd also like to acknowledge NCSBN Chief Financial Officer, Rob Clayborne. 00:01:08.660 --> 00:01:10.010 position:50% align:middle Are you in the room? 00:01:10.010 --> 00:01:12.068 position:50% align:middle Could you stand if you are? 00:01:15.900 --> 00:01:16.890 position:50% align:middle I can't see him. 00:01:16.890 --> 00:01:22.440 position:50% align:middle And also our Financial Director, Gloria Melton, they are the real experts 00:01:22.440 --> 00:01:24.986 position:50% align:middle in the financial arena. 00:01:25.000 --> 00:01:29.300 position:50% align:middle And I want you all to know that the finances of the organization are 00:01:29.300 --> 00:01:31.157 position:50% align:middle in very good hands. 00:01:35.410 --> 00:01:40.300 position:50% align:middle So, the Finance Committee Charges are listed here. 00:01:40.300 --> 00:01:45.500 position:50% align:middle And we advise the board on the overall direction and control of the finances 00:01:45.500 --> 00:01:46.686 position:50% align:middle of the organization. 00:01:47.730 --> 00:01:52.488 position:50% align:middle We review and recommend a budget to the board every year. 00:01:52.970 --> 00:01:57.960 position:50% align:middle And we worked in July, had our July meeting and completed the 00:01:57.960 --> 00:02:02.953 position:50% align:middle budget that will be presented to the Board of Directors at their September meeting. 00:02:03.540 --> 00:02:06.650 position:50% align:middle We monitor the income, expenditures, and program 00:02:06.650 --> 00:02:09.025 position:50% align:middle activities against projections. 00:02:09.690 --> 00:02:13.910 position:50% align:middle And we present quarterly financial statements to the board. 00:02:13.910 --> 00:02:17.240 position:50% align:middle So, prior to every board meeting, the Finance Committee goes over those 00:02:17.240 --> 00:02:22.222 position:50% align:middle reports and recommends that then they be forwarded on to the Board of Directors. 00:02:23.080 --> 00:02:28.110 position:50% align:middle We oversee the financial reporting process, the systems of internal 00:02:28.110 --> 00:02:32.500 position:50% align:middle accounting and financial controls, and the performance, 00:02:32.500 --> 00:02:34.574 position:50% align:middle and independence of the auditors. 00:02:35.110 --> 00:02:38.890 position:50% align:middle So, it's the finance committee that recommends to the board the appointment 00:02:38.890 --> 00:02:44.050 position:50% align:middle of the firms to serve as independent auditors. 00:02:44.050 --> 00:02:49.310 position:50% align:middle And we have already conducted that work this year, and we'll be making a 00:02:49.310 --> 00:02:53.689 position:50% align:middle recommendation to the Board of Directors at their September meeting. 00:02:53.740 --> 00:02:59.220 position:50% align:middle As you all know, the finances of the organization are audited every year. 00:02:59.220 --> 00:03:04.550 position:50% align:middle And they've always been unqualified reports for as long as I have been on the 00:03:04.550 --> 00:03:08.293 position:50% align:middle board and probably, every year previously. 00:03:08.420 --> 00:03:14.754 position:50% align:middle So, we've always gotten very good audit reports. 00:03:14.800 --> 00:03:18.160 position:50% align:middle The finance committee makes recommendations to the board with respect 00:03:18.160 --> 00:03:23.570 position:50% align:middle to investment policy and assures that the organization maintains 00:03:23.570 --> 00:03:25.833 position:50% align:middle adequate insurance coverage. 00:03:26.520 --> 00:03:32.050 position:50% align:middle So, the Board of Directors adopts a policy, with input from the 00:03:32.050 --> 00:03:35.251 position:50% align:middle Finance Committee, on how our investments will be made. 00:03:35.880 --> 00:03:41.810 position:50% align:middle We have investment consultants that meet with the Finance Committee at every 00:03:41.810 --> 00:03:43.513 position:50% align:middle meeting that we have. 00:03:43.700 --> 00:03:49.280 position:50% align:middle And these consultants help us with setting that policy for the investments. 00:03:49.280 --> 00:03:51.660 position:50% align:middle But they do not actually manage the money. 00:03:51.660 --> 00:03:53.715 position:50% align:middle We do have managers that do that. 00:03:53.850 --> 00:03:58.755 position:50% align:middle And that's kind of one of the internal controls of the organization. 00:04:00.660 --> 00:04:07.460 position:50% align:middle So the desired impact for the Finance Committee is that we'll have adequate 00:04:07.460 --> 00:04:13.700 position:50% align:middle financial resources to fund the tactical plans necessary to execute the NCSBN's 00:04:13.700 --> 00:04:16.817 position:50% align:middle Strategic Initiatives over the long-term. 00:04:18.660 --> 00:04:21.810 position:50% align:middle And we have our operating reserve. 00:04:21.810 --> 00:04:29.020 position:50% align:middle And by policy, we are required to keep at least 25% of the annual operating budget 00:04:29.020 --> 00:04:30.737 position:50% align:middle in the operating reserve. 00:04:30.737 --> 00:04:37.980 position:50% align:middle We have, however, opted to keep a lot more in that operating reserve so that we don't 00:04:37.980 --> 00:04:39.483 position:50% align:middle touch that money. 00:04:40.800 --> 00:04:45.460 position:50% align:middle And then we have a capital reserve that we also have money that's allocated 00:04:45.460 --> 00:04:53.250 position:50% align:middle for enhancement of program qualities and introducing new programs, etc. 00:04:53.250 --> 00:05:00.530 position:50% align:middle So, we've really looked at advising the board on, you know, keeping both the 00:05:00.530 --> 00:05:03.718 position:50% align:middle operating and capital reserves at a high level. 00:05:04.580 --> 00:05:08.770 position:50% align:middle And we also have to make sure that we allocate our finances according 00:05:08.770 --> 00:05:10.609 position:50% align:middle to our mission. 00:05:11.400 --> 00:05:14.496 position:50% align:middle And the Finance Committee does that as well. 00:05:17.640 --> 00:05:22.553 position:50% align:middle This is the revenue stream for National Council. 00:05:22.920 --> 00:05:26.943 position:50% align:middle You can see that a total of 70% of the revenue comes from 00:05:26.943 --> 00:05:29.036 position:50% align:middle NCLEX for U.S. licensure. 00:05:29.250 --> 00:05:31.730 position:50% align:middle That's not a surprise to anyone. 00:05:31.730 --> 00:05:38.810 position:50% align:middle We receive 7% from nurses for licensure verification fees, 4% from the 00:05:38.810 --> 00:05:44.447 position:50% align:middle learning extension sales, and 5% from the NCLEX in Canada. 00:05:45.170 --> 00:05:51.060 position:50% align:middle While investment earnings are projected to be equal to 12% of the total revenue 00:05:51.060 --> 00:05:57.720 position:50% align:middle for this year, ending on September 30th of 2019, that income source is always 00:05:57.720 --> 00:06:02.620 position:50% align:middle dependent upon changing conditions in the financial markets and can vary 00:06:02.620 --> 00:06:04.979 position:50% align:middle significantly from year to year. 00:06:04.979 --> 00:06:14.370 position:50% align:middle And then the other income that combined, just makes up 2% of NCSBN income includes 00:06:14.370 --> 00:06:20.690 position:50% align:middle such things as royalty from the Nurse Aide and MACE exams, the NCLEX practice 00:06:20.690 --> 00:06:25.310 position:50% align:middle exam fees, meeting registrations, associate member fees, 00:06:25.310 --> 00:06:27.527 position:50% align:middle and then our publication and sales. 00:06:27.940 --> 00:06:31.434 position:50% align:middle So that's the broad overview of our revenue sources. 00:06:33.850 --> 00:06:37.660 position:50% align:middle And then how we spend our funds is depicted in this graph. 00:06:40.090 --> 00:06:42.480 position:50% align:middle NCLEX is our largest revenue source. 00:06:42.480 --> 00:06:45.396 position:50% align:middle It's also our largest expenditure. 00:06:45.690 --> 00:06:51.300 position:50% align:middle Fifty-nine cents of every dollar that's spent goes directly to support exams. 00:06:51.300 --> 00:06:56.180 position:50% align:middle And the exams department also receive substantial reports from the other or 00:06:56.180 --> 00:07:01.620 position:50% align:middle substantial support from the other 41 cents, in terms of occupancy, 00:07:01.620 --> 00:07:05.557 position:50% align:middle administrative services, IT, communications. 00:07:07.190 --> 00:07:11.017 position:50% align:middle Exams receive support from all of those areas as well. 00:07:11.960 --> 00:07:17.580 position:50% align:middle So, combined expenditures on other program activities to assist boards, 00:07:17.580 --> 00:07:22.980 position:50% align:middle including committees, meetings, research, NLC legislative support, 00:07:22.980 --> 00:07:29.810 position:50% align:middle and online offerings, comprise 19% of the total budget. 00:07:29.810 --> 00:07:36.010 position:50% align:middle And NURSYS including ORBS and e-Notify is 6% of our budget 00:07:36.010 --> 00:07:40.709 position:50% align:middle and our IT infrastructure equals 5%. 00:07:40.709 --> 00:07:45.010 position:50% align:middle So, combined total expenditures on supporting service, which 00:07:45.010 --> 00:07:50.160 position:50% align:middle includes governance, communications, finance, and HR equal about 9%. 00:07:50.160 --> 00:07:56.811 position:50% align:middle And our occupancy costs are at about 2% of the total budget. 00:07:57.450 --> 00:08:03.130 position:50% align:middle So that is, you know, a broad overview of how we spend our funds 00:08:03.130 --> 00:08:04.596 position:50% align:middle at National Council. 00:08:05.700 --> 00:08:10.380 position:50% align:middle Now, this next slide is talking about our fund balance. 00:08:10.380 --> 00:08:20.100 position:50% align:middle And it's looking to the projected value of our fund balance from the end of fiscal 00:08:20.100 --> 00:08:23.708 position:50% align:middle year 2019 through fiscal year 2022. 00:08:23.800 --> 00:08:32.122 position:50% align:middle And you can see that the fund balance right now is at about $212.6 million. 00:08:33.600 --> 00:08:36.990 position:50% align:middle We expect that we're going to have to use some of those funds over the 00:08:36.990 --> 00:08:38.430 position:50% align:middle next few years. 00:08:38.640 --> 00:08:42.134 position:50% align:middle So you can see the slight decline in the... 00:08:42.410 --> 00:08:44.730 position:50% align:middle It looks pretty drastic on the graph. 00:08:44.730 --> 00:08:51.220 position:50% align:middle But we still will have a very healthy investment balance, even with having 00:08:51.220 --> 00:08:58.730 position:50% align:middle to use some of these operating or the fund balance to provide support 00:08:58.730 --> 00:09:00.945 position:50% align:middle for our projects. 00:09:00.945 --> 00:09:09.330 position:50% align:middle And actually, I think in fiscal year 2020, will be the first time that I think 00:09:09.330 --> 00:09:15.550 position:50% align:middle National Council has had to use some of these reserve funds to operate programs, 00:09:15.550 --> 00:09:17.626 position:50% align:middle but it's not a cause for alarm. 00:09:18.010 --> 00:09:22.850 position:50% align:middle As you can see, even through what has been projected through fiscal year 2020, 00:09:22.850 --> 00:09:31.132 position:50% align:middle we're still at a very healthy fund balance of over $190 million, so 00:09:31.132 --> 00:09:36.390 position:50% align:middle that the Finance Committee will monitor that very closely and 00:09:36.390 --> 00:09:38.792 position:50% align:middle with revenues and expenses. 00:09:38.970 --> 00:09:44.040 position:50% align:middle We know that some of our projects that we're having to fund now will not 00:09:44.040 --> 00:09:51.040 position:50% align:middle last forever, that they are time-limited, so we'll watch that very closely and 00:09:51.040 --> 00:09:53.474 position:50% align:middle advise the board accordingly. 00:09:55.780 --> 00:10:00.820 position:50% align:middle So, in summary, then some of the performance outcome measurement that the 00:10:00.820 --> 00:10:06.600 position:50% align:middle Finance Committee looks for is a strong financial position that provides 00:10:06.600 --> 00:10:12.100 position:50% align:middle an internal source of funds and allow for financial flexibility so that we can 00:10:12.100 --> 00:10:18.030 position:50% align:middle expand our services to the members, of providing for financial stability 00:10:18.030 --> 00:10:22.138 position:50% align:middle by planning operating budgets that we can support over the long-term, 00:10:22.920 --> 00:10:26.880 position:50% align:middle and preparing budgets that link financial resource allocation to the 00:10:26.880 --> 00:10:30.120 position:50% align:middle strategic initiatives, and mission of the organization, 00:10:30.120 --> 00:10:35.160 position:50% align:middle and investment policy, and strategy in place 00:10:35.160 --> 00:10:39.440 position:50% align:middle that's produced the desired returns on financial investments. 00:10:39.440 --> 00:10:45.160 position:50% align:middle Within the risk tolerance of NCSBN, we received an unqualified audit opinion 00:10:45.160 --> 00:10:47.530 position:50% align:middle from the independent accountants. 00:10:47.530 --> 00:10:53.620 position:50% align:middle And there are policies in place that guide good internal control practices. 00:10:53.620 --> 00:10:58.710 position:50% align:middle We've engaged auditors to conduct a fraud risk assessment to ensure that all best 00:10:58.710 --> 00:11:02.480 position:50% align:middle practices for maintaining control are in place. 00:11:02.480 --> 00:11:06.740 position:50% align:middle And from time to time, there are different areas that will 00:11:06.740 --> 00:11:11.550 position:50% align:middle require some auditing and then the Finance Committee will make a recommendation that 00:11:11.550 --> 00:11:13.090 position:50% align:middle the board does that. 00:11:14.170 --> 00:11:17.610 position:50% align:middle So, that is the financial report for this year. 00:11:17.610 --> 00:11:22.820 position:50% align:middle I am just very pleased that I was able to serve as your treasurer for the last two 00:11:22.820 --> 00:11:30.343 position:50% align:middle years and I'll be passing the torch to some very qualified individuals. 00:11:30.343 --> 00:11:36.130 position:50% align:middle So, with that, if you have any questions, I would entertain any of those at this 00:11:36.130 --> 00:11:36.796 position:50% align:middle point in time. 00:11:42.690 --> 00:11:44.029 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:11:44.120 --> 00:11:45.605 position:50% align:middle Seeing none, thank you so much.