WEBVTT 00:00:09.400 --> 00:00:10.800 position:50% align:middle - [Jason] Hello, everyone. 00:00:10.800 --> 00:00:13.600 position:50% align:middle I hope you've enjoyed the presentation so far. 00:00:13.600 --> 00:00:20.140 position:50% align:middle I'm Jason Schwartz, Director of Outreach at NCSBN and I'll be the host for today's Q&A sessions. 00:00:20.140 --> 00:00:24.010 position:50% align:middle Before we take a look at the questions you've contributed through the online platform, 00:00:24.010 --> 00:00:26.560 position:50% align:middle I have three brief announcements to share. 00:00:26.560 --> 00:00:30.110 position:50% align:middle First, the brand new REx-PN website is here. 00:00:30.110 --> 00:00:34.880 position:50% align:middle Head rexpn.com to find the most current, accurate information about the exam. 00:00:34.880 --> 00:00:37.100 position:50% align:middle We'll drop a link into the chat for you. 00:00:37.100 --> 00:00:40.830 position:50% align:middle Check it out, and be sure to share it with your students as well. 00:00:40.830 --> 00:00:47.090 position:50% align:middle Second, NCSBN is actively recruiting for item writing and item review committees. 00:00:47.090 --> 00:00:52.990 position:50% align:middle This is a great way to contribute to the profession, network with colleagues, and build new skills. 00:00:52.990 --> 00:00:55.920 position:50% align:middle We'll drop a link there as well for you in the chat. 00:00:55.920 --> 00:01:00.070 position:50% align:middle Sign up and also feel free to share the link with others who may be interested. 00:01:00.070 --> 00:01:04.530 position:50% align:middle Finally, if you have colleagues who were unable to attend today's conference, 00:01:04.530 --> 00:01:08.640 position:50% align:middle we will be posting recordings of all the sessions for future viewing. 00:01:08.640 --> 00:01:10.010 position:50% align:middle Check back soon. 00:01:10.010 --> 00:01:12.678 position:50% align:middle With that, on to our Q&A. 00:01:12.740 --> 00:01:15.220 position:50% align:middle Our first question is for Hong. 00:01:15.220 --> 00:01:21.880 position:50% align:middle Hong, can you clarify if all of the standard-setting judges are nurses from Ontario and BC? 00:01:21.880 --> 00:01:25.560 position:50% align:middle - [Hong] Thank you very much Jason for the question. 00:01:25.560 --> 00:01:27.610 position:50% align:middle The answer is yes. 00:01:27.610 --> 00:01:32.016 position:50% align:middle All the judges of standard-setting are the nurses from Ontario and BC. 00:01:32.016 --> 00:01:39.790 position:50% align:middle For the ones we just had in June 2021, we have 12 judges, and all of them are nurses 00:01:39.790 --> 00:01:41.810 position:50% align:middle from these two provinces. 00:01:41.810 --> 00:01:49.120 position:50% align:middle Some of them are LPN, some of them are RPN, some of them are RN, some of them are educators, 00:01:49.120 --> 00:01:55.700 position:50% align:middle some of them are clinicians, and some of them are newly licensed LPN themselves. 00:01:55.700 --> 00:02:00.160 position:50% align:middle So the answer is, yes, all the judges for standard-setting are the nurses 00:02:00.160 --> 00:02:02.700 position:50% align:middle from these two provinces. 00:02:04.211 --> 00:02:05.870 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Hong. 00:02:05.870 --> 00:02:07.670 position:50% align:middle Jacklyn, the next question is for you. 00:02:07.670 --> 00:02:13.156 position:50% align:middle Can you clarify how long it takes for candidates to receive the results after completing the exam? 00:02:13.880 --> 00:02:15.620 position:50% align:middle - [Jacklyn] Thanks, Jason. 00:02:15.620 --> 00:02:16.880 position:50% align:middle And, good question. 00:02:16.880 --> 00:02:23.630 position:50% align:middle So the REx-PN results will be made available to the candidates from their nursing regulatory body. 00:02:23.630 --> 00:02:29.121 position:50% align:middle So to answer your question on how many days it might take before the exam result is available 00:02:29.121 --> 00:02:31.322 position:50% align:middle will depend on the nursing regulatory body. 00:02:31.430 --> 00:02:38.372 position:50% align:middle So candidates will be directed to CNO, Ontario, or BCCNM, for British Columbia for their results. 00:02:41.814 --> 00:02:43.020 position:50% align:middle - Fantastic. 00:02:43.020 --> 00:02:48.150 position:50% align:middle Aly, we have a question about the focus or the scope of the practice analysis. 00:02:48.150 --> 00:02:53.981 position:50% align:middle Was it a study of just nurses in BC and Ontario or was it possibly all of Canada 00:02:53.981 --> 00:02:55.906 position:50% align:middle or even the United States as well? 00:02:56.890 --> 00:02:59.612 position:50% align:middle - [Aly] Another great question Jason. 00:02:59.612 --> 00:03:08.707 position:50% align:middle The REx-PN was a study for the nurses that are using the REx-PN, which is, as Hong mentioned, 00:03:08.707 --> 00:03:11.368 position:50% align:middle in British Columbia and Ontario. 00:03:16.164 --> 00:03:17.110 position:50% align:middle - Perfect. 00:03:17.110 --> 00:03:18.120 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:03:18.120 --> 00:03:19.590 position:50% align:middle Question, Jacklyn, for you. 00:03:19.590 --> 00:03:25.080 position:50% align:middle During the videos, I think it was mentioned that all candidates needed to provide biometrics. 00:03:25.080 --> 00:03:27.330 position:50% align:middle So the question is what is meant by biometrics? 00:03:28.877 --> 00:03:30.150 position:50% align:middle - Right, good question. 00:03:30.150 --> 00:03:34.120 position:50% align:middle So biometrics are our unique physical characteristics. 00:03:34.120 --> 00:03:39.580 position:50% align:middle And for the REx-PN, in order to be admitted to write the exam, candidates will have to submit 00:03:39.580 --> 00:03:41.410 position:50% align:middle a few biometrics. 00:03:41.410 --> 00:03:46.660 position:50% align:middle So during check-in on exam day, candidates will be asked to submit a scan 00:03:46.660 --> 00:03:48.180 position:50% align:middle of their palm vein. 00:03:48.180 --> 00:03:54.444 position:50% align:middle They'll also have their photograph taken and they will provide a digital signature. 00:03:57.407 --> 00:03:58.400 position:50% align:middle - Thank you. 00:03:58.400 --> 00:04:00.070 position:50% align:middle Hong, a question for you. 00:04:00.070 --> 00:04:07.530 position:50% align:middle One of the attendees notes that in 2023, NCSBN is updating the NCLEX exams to include 00:04:07.530 --> 00:04:09.470 position:50% align:middle next-generation item types. 00:04:09.470 --> 00:04:11.370 position:50% align:middle Will this impact REx-PN at all? 00:04:13.247 --> 00:04:14.700 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Jason. 00:04:14.700 --> 00:04:17.680 position:50% align:middle No, these will not impact the REx-PN. 00:04:17.680 --> 00:04:24.786 position:50% align:middle In other words, there will be no next-generation items in REx-PN exam in 2023. 00:04:28.253 --> 00:04:29.750 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Hong. 00:04:29.750 --> 00:04:33.380 position:50% align:middle Jacklyn, a question for you related to the administration. 00:04:33.380 --> 00:04:37.170 position:50% align:middle Will calculators be provided to candidates? 00:04:38.842 --> 00:04:40.460 position:50% align:middle - Great question. Another one. 00:04:40.460 --> 00:04:46.510 position:50% align:middle So yes, candidates will have access to an on-screen calculator throughout the examination. 00:04:46.510 --> 00:04:52.490 position:50% align:middle And what I would suggest to help familiarize your students with the computer software would be to take 00:04:52.490 --> 00:04:58.820 position:50% align:middle the tutorial that we have on our website, the brand new website that Jason mentioned. 00:04:58.820 --> 00:05:03.063 position:50% align:middle And that's going to be in the Prepare section of rexpn.com. 00:05:04.190 --> 00:05:06.388 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Jacklyn. 00:05:06.933 --> 00:05:11.870 position:50% align:middle Hong, are you able to share the number of items or number of questions that will be on REx-PN? 00:05:13.511 --> 00:05:14.535 position:50% align:middle - Great question. 00:05:14.660 --> 00:05:14.940 position:50% align:middle Yes. 00:05:14.940 --> 00:05:20.240 position:50% align:middle You may know for the paper pencil test or for fixed-form test, you will receive the same 00:05:20.240 --> 00:05:21.367 position:50% align:middle number of items. 00:05:21.367 --> 00:05:26.160 position:50% align:middle But for REx-PN, we use variable-length CAT. 00:05:26.160 --> 00:05:31.509 position:50% align:middle So that's why the number of questions will be different depends on your ability. 00:05:31.830 --> 00:05:39.255 position:50% align:middle The minimum length is 90 questions and the maximum length is 150 questions. 00:05:39.260 --> 00:05:46.287 position:50% align:middle So it is possible you can get any number of items between these 90 and 150. 00:05:48.903 --> 00:05:50.660 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Hong. 00:05:50.660 --> 00:05:54.731 position:50% align:middle Aly, you mentioned that the practice analysis is conducted every five years 00:05:54.731 --> 00:05:57.700 position:50% align:middle for the exam launching January 2022. 00:05:57.700 --> 00:06:00.740 position:50% align:middle What year did that practice analysis take place? 00:06:02.382 --> 00:06:03.200 position:50% align:middle - Thanks, Jason. 00:06:03.200 --> 00:06:10.569 position:50% align:middle In order for the exam to be ready to launch in 2022, we did perform the practice analysis in 2019. 00:06:16.419 --> 00:06:17.420 position:50% align:middle - Thank you very much, Aly. 00:06:17.420 --> 00:06:23.676 position:50% align:middle And a follow-up on the practice analysis, did it encompass any nursing specialties? 00:06:25.120 --> 00:06:26.620 position:50% align:middle - Great question. 00:06:26.620 --> 00:06:31.590 position:50% align:middle So in short, yes, it does cover nursing specialties. 00:06:31.590 --> 00:06:38.610 position:50% align:middle As far as the panel, the practice analysis panel, any of the nurses that represent various practice 00:06:38.610 --> 00:06:46.350 position:50% align:middle settings in, you know, various areas, in BC and Ontario, as well as the practice analysis 00:06:46.350 --> 00:06:53.830 position:50% align:middle that is sent out to survey those nurses, whatever practice setting they would be working, 00:06:53.830 --> 00:07:00.886 position:50% align:middle that would be reflected in the actual data that comes back from the practice analysis survey. 00:07:01.990 --> 00:07:04.400 position:50% align:middle - Okay, thank you, Aly. 00:07:04.400 --> 00:07:05.640 position:50% align:middle Hong, a question for you. 00:07:05.640 --> 00:07:10.740 position:50% align:middle Besides multiple choice, what other item types would candidates see on the REx-PN? 00:07:12.467 --> 00:07:13.650 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Jason. 00:07:13.650 --> 00:07:14.930 position:50% align:middle Great question. 00:07:14.930 --> 00:07:21.480 position:50% align:middle So majority of questions will be multiple-choice items, which only have one key but besides that, 00:07:21.480 --> 00:07:28.050 position:50% align:middle we also have multiple response items, which means there are more than one keys. 00:07:28.050 --> 00:07:32.340 position:50% align:middle And if you didn't get all keys correct, you got it wrong. 00:07:32.340 --> 00:07:37.610 position:50% align:middle So in order to get a four point or one point, you need to get all correct 00:07:37.610 --> 00:07:39.580 position:50% align:middle for multiple response items. 00:07:39.580 --> 00:07:45.310 position:50% align:middle And you will also see calculation item, we call it fill-in-blank calculation. 00:07:45.310 --> 00:07:49.390 position:50% align:middle As Jacklyn mentioned, you will be able to access the calculator. 00:07:49.390 --> 00:07:52.160 position:50% align:middle So that's another type of items. 00:07:52.160 --> 00:07:59.320 position:50% align:middle In terms of how many MC or MR or fill-in-blank items you will get, it will be varied 00:07:59.320 --> 00:08:05.240 position:50% align:middle between different candidates, because you know, CAT will administer different items 00:08:05.240 --> 00:08:06.880 position:50% align:middle to different candidates. 00:08:06.880 --> 00:08:13.270 position:50% align:middle So all the item type you will see from exam will be multiple-choice item, multiple response item, 00:08:13.270 --> 00:08:16.070 position:50% align:middle and fill-in-blank calculation items. 00:08:16.070 --> 00:08:23.623 position:50% align:middle And please be note, sometimes those items will have graphics or exhibits. 00:08:25.720 --> 00:08:26.190 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Hong. 00:08:26.190 --> 00:08:27.890 position:50% align:middle A follow-up question there. 00:08:27.890 --> 00:08:33.018 position:50% align:middle Is there a particular amount of time that candidates should spend on each of these item types? 00:08:33.570 --> 00:08:35.630 position:50% align:middle - Great question. 00:08:35.630 --> 00:08:45.180 position:50% align:middle Well, you know that the total time for Rex-PN is four hours, but we don't have any preset time on each item. 00:08:45.180 --> 00:08:54.873 position:50% align:middle In general, we will recommend maybe spend 60 to 90 seconds on each item from our previous experience. 00:08:56.460 --> 00:08:58.430 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Hong. 00:08:58.430 --> 00:09:00.490 position:50% align:middle Aly, I have a question for you. 00:09:00.490 --> 00:09:06.180 position:50% align:middle For the item writing or the item review committees, what are the requirements for nurses 00:09:06.180 --> 00:09:07.490 position:50% align:middle in Canada to participate? 00:09:09.350 --> 00:09:10.050 position:50% align:middle - Thanks, Jason. 00:09:10.050 --> 00:09:17.430 position:50% align:middle In order to participate in the item development process, we use experienced nurse volunteers that 00:09:17.430 --> 00:09:22.990 position:50% align:middle educate nursing students in the clinical setting or work directly with entry-level nurses. 00:09:22.990 --> 00:09:28.030 position:50% align:middle And this is because we want them to be familiar with the entry-level nursing knowledge. 00:09:28.030 --> 00:09:35.840 position:50% align:middle So input from the entry-level nurses is sought out in those different areas for the item development process. 00:09:35.840 --> 00:09:42.520 position:50% align:middle And not just for item writing and item review, but also as we mentioned previously, 00:09:42.520 --> 00:09:46.773 position:50% align:middle the practice analysis and for the panel of judges in the standard-setting. 00:09:49.320 --> 00:09:50.880 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Aly. 00:09:50.880 --> 00:09:52.640 position:50% align:middle Hong, this is a question for you. 00:09:52.640 --> 00:09:58.840 position:50% align:middle An attendee notes that on some exams, she's aware that there are questions that don't count, 00:09:58.840 --> 00:10:03.010 position:50% align:middle maybe just for research purposes, will this also be the case with REx-PN? 00:10:04.494 --> 00:10:05.443 position:50% align:middle - Correct. 00:10:05.670 --> 00:10:07.270 position:50% align:middle That's a great question. 00:10:07.270 --> 00:10:15.990 position:50% align:middle For 90 items and 150 items, I mentioned they're embedded into 30 pre-test item we say. 00:10:15.990 --> 00:10:25.070 position:50% align:middle So pretest item means they do not count for your score but we need to embed those items to get statistics. 00:10:25.070 --> 00:10:28.430 position:50% align:middle We need to see whether these items are good or bad. 00:10:28.430 --> 00:10:35.674 position:50% align:middle So every REx-PN operational items will be pre-tested to make sure that they are psychometrically sound 00:10:35.674 --> 00:10:39.330 position:50% align:middle in order to be counted as your score. 00:10:39.330 --> 00:10:46.590 position:50% align:middle Therefore, in each REx-PN exam, you will see 30 pre-test items that won't be count 00:10:46.590 --> 00:10:52.200 position:50% align:middle as your score but you will not tell which one isscored, which one is not scored. 00:10:52.200 --> 00:10:55.840 position:50% align:middle So just try your best on every item. 00:10:58.416 --> 00:10:59.840 position:50% align:middle - Fantastic. 00:10:59.840 --> 00:11:02.970 position:50% align:middle Hong, another question about the setup of the exam. 00:11:02.970 --> 00:11:09.467 position:50% align:middle If a candidate doesn't know the answer to a question, is there any advantage to skipping that question? 00:11:09.467 --> 00:11:11.100 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Jason. 00:11:11.100 --> 00:11:16.617 position:50% align:middle Actually, in CAT exam, you cannot skip questions. 00:11:17.500 --> 00:11:24.390 position:50% align:middle The computer, it should know your response to each item in order to pick next item for you. 00:11:24.390 --> 00:11:32.610 position:50% align:middle So I know it's very different as your fixed form, you may skip it or you may come back it to review it 00:11:32.610 --> 00:11:33.760 position:50% align:middle and answer it. 00:11:33.760 --> 00:11:40.330 position:50% align:middle In CAT, you have to provide answer to each item in order to see next item. 00:11:40.330 --> 00:11:46.890 position:50% align:middle So if you don't know the answer for one item, my recommendation will be just spend about 00:11:46.890 --> 00:11:50.700 position:50% align:middle one to two minutes, don't spend too much time on one item. 00:11:50.710 --> 00:11:56.340 position:50% align:middle And if you really don't know, just do your best guess and then you can move to next item. 00:11:58.755 --> 00:12:00.430 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Hong. 00:12:00.430 --> 00:12:02.470 position:50% align:middle Jacklyn, a question for you. 00:12:02.470 --> 00:12:05.910 position:50% align:middle During your presentation, there was a video where there was a lot of information 00:12:05.910 --> 00:12:08.600 position:50% align:middle that looked very helpful for candidates. 00:12:08.600 --> 00:12:14.720 position:50% align:middle Is there a best place that candidates or students today should go to find that information or learn more? 00:12:16.310 --> 00:12:19.210 position:50% align:middle - Yes, and I believe that you had mentioned that earlier, Jason. 00:12:19.210 --> 00:12:25.950 position:50% align:middle We are pleased to announce that REx-PN has its own dedicated website and this site will offer 00:12:25.950 --> 00:12:30.800 position:50% align:middle all information, great information for candidates to prepare for the exam, 00:12:30.800 --> 00:12:37.515 position:50% align:middle as well as go over exam date details, results processing, and a lot of the features 00:12:37.515 --> 00:12:41.290 position:50% align:middle that Aly mentioned about of test development. 00:12:41.290 --> 00:12:46.210 position:50% align:middle We have some prepared in About section features of the new website. 00:12:46.210 --> 00:12:48.490 position:50% align:middle So that would be rexpn.com. 00:12:50.791 --> 00:12:53.570 position:50% align:middle - Rexpn.com, there you have it. 00:12:53.570 --> 00:12:55.650 position:50% align:middle Aly, a question for you. 00:12:55.650 --> 00:13:01.380 position:50% align:middle Are other provinces or territories besides Ontario and BC using this exam or is it just those two? 00:13:01.380 --> 00:13:10.560 position:50% align:middle - I think at time we have Ontario and BC are the Canadian provinces using the REx-PN, 00:13:10.560 --> 00:13:14.110 position:50% align:middle and that's what was reflected in our practice analysis as well. 00:13:17.438 --> 00:13:19.015 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Aly. 00:13:19.370 --> 00:13:21.460 position:50% align:middle Hong, this is a question for you. 00:13:21.460 --> 00:13:26.690 position:50% align:middle While candidates are writing the REx-PN exam, will they know which question number they're on? 00:13:26.690 --> 00:13:30.030 position:50% align:middle For instance, if they're on the 45th item, will it say item 45? 00:13:30.030 --> 00:13:38.780 position:50% align:middle - Yes, candidates will be able to tell which items they are on because on the computer screen, 00:13:38.780 --> 00:13:41.098 position:50% align:middle they will see which item they're on. 00:13:43.178 --> 00:13:44.520 position:50% align:middle - Okay. 00:13:44.520 --> 00:13:49.950 position:50% align:middle Hong, I think we may not have had your full audio but I believe your answer was yes, they will see the number. 00:13:49.950 --> 00:13:51.790 position:50% align:middle - Yes. 00:13:51.790 --> 00:13:53.510 position:50% align:middle - Okay. 00:13:53.510 --> 00:13:54.420 position:50% align:middle Thank you. 00:13:54.420 --> 00:13:56.670 position:50% align:middle Jacklyn, a question for you. 00:13:56.670 --> 00:14:00.060 position:50% align:middle When can candidates begin to register for the exam? 00:14:02.042 --> 00:14:05.898 position:50% align:middle - Oh, registration opens December 1st of this year. 00:14:05.940 --> 00:14:11.530 position:50% align:middle While the exam will be launched in January, candidates can start the registration process as early 00:14:11.530 --> 00:14:14.467 position:50% align:middle as December 1st, 2021. 00:14:16.726 --> 00:14:16.900 position:50% align:middle - Thank you. 00:14:16.900 --> 00:14:21.220 position:50% align:middle And Jacklyn, while I have you, is there any residency requirement to register 00:14:21.220 --> 00:14:21.850 position:50% align:middle for the exam? 00:14:21.850 --> 00:14:26.290 position:50% align:middle For example, will international candidates be able to take the REx-PN? 00:14:26.290 --> 00:14:28.700 position:50% align:middle - It's a great question. 00:14:28.700 --> 00:14:35.950 position:50% align:middle So candidates who would like to take the REx-PN do need to be made eligible by either CNO or BCCNM. 00:14:35.950 --> 00:14:42.090 position:50% align:middle So my recommendation would be if any international candidates would like to take the REx-PN, 00:14:42.090 --> 00:14:48.680 position:50% align:middle they should first contact either CNO or BCCNM to determine eligibility requirements. 00:14:48.680 --> 00:14:53.090 position:50% align:middle That would be my recommendation for internationally testing candidate. 00:14:55.385 --> 00:14:57.460 position:50% align:middle - Jacklyn, more for you. 00:14:57.460 --> 00:15:01.574 position:50% align:middle When candidates register for REx-PN are they able to choose the date 00:15:01.574 --> 00:15:04.746 position:50% align:middle or is it just provided to them by the system? 00:15:05.990 --> 00:15:07.480 position:50% align:middle - Another great question. 00:15:07.480 --> 00:15:13.660 position:50% align:middle So when candidates register to take the REx-PN, they, like I mentioned, they do need to be made eligible. 00:15:13.860 --> 00:15:20.950 position:50% align:middle And candidates will be given an authorization to test period, also known as that eligibility period window. 00:15:20.950 --> 00:15:26.080 position:50% align:middle So they would have to be able to schedule their appointment within the window frame that their nursing 00:15:26.080 --> 00:15:29.342 position:50% align:middle regulatory body determined during that eligibility period. 00:15:31.414 --> 00:15:33.717 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Jacklyn. 00:15:33.717 --> 00:15:36.830 position:50% align:middle Hong, I have a bit of a technical question for you. 00:15:36.830 --> 00:15:44.140 position:50% align:middle Does the CAT algorithm begin estimating candidate ability on the 60th item or does it start 00:15:44.140 --> 00:15:45.010 position:50% align:middle sooner than that? 00:15:46.951 --> 00:15:49.090 position:50% align:middle - Thank you very much, Jason. 00:15:49.090 --> 00:15:52.760 position:50% align:middle Actually, this question will be answered in afternoon session when Shu-chuan has session 00:15:52.760 --> 00:15:56.750 position:50% align:middle on Computerized Adaptive Testing. 00:15:56.750 --> 00:16:04.390 position:50% align:middle Just give a short answer here is that the computer will recalculate your ability after each item. 00:16:04.390 --> 00:16:15.670 position:50% align:middle But when the computer compare your ability to the standard come out starts at 60th operational items. 00:16:15.670 --> 00:16:23.170 position:50% align:middle So the computer will always estimate your ability towards start compared to a standard starting 00:16:23.170 --> 00:16:28.150 position:50% align:middle from 60th operational item. 00:16:28.150 --> 00:16:29.540 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Hong. 00:16:29.540 --> 00:16:32.050 position:50% align:middle Jacklyn, I've got another question for you. 00:16:32.050 --> 00:16:37.540 position:50% align:middle If candidates want to make notes during the exam, will they have something like an onscreen note pad that 00:16:37.540 --> 00:16:39.460 position:50% align:middle they can do that on? 00:16:39.460 --> 00:16:40.510 position:50% align:middle - That's a good question. 00:16:40.510 --> 00:16:45.810 position:50% align:middle So candidates are provided an erasable note board when they are at the testing center. 00:16:45.810 --> 00:16:48.070 position:50% align:middle So they can have a note board. 00:16:48.070 --> 00:16:50.680 position:50% align:middle It's like a dry erase note board with them throughout the exam. 00:16:50.680 --> 00:16:51.650 position:50% align:middle It's not on screen. 00:16:51.650 --> 00:16:54.409 position:50% align:middle It's actually a pen and a paper. 00:16:55.960 --> 00:16:57.490 position:50% align:middle - Thank you. 00:16:57.490 --> 00:17:02.430 position:50% align:middle And Aly, I'm going to route this question to you but it may also be for Jacklyn. 00:17:02.430 --> 00:17:10.209 position:50% align:middle Are there any study materials or resource materials that candidates can have access to during testing? 00:17:11.190 --> 00:17:14.060 position:50% align:middle - Great question, Jason. 00:17:14.060 --> 00:17:20.760 position:50% align:middle So candidates that are preparing for the exam can find several resources in the REx-PN Resource area 00:17:20.760 --> 00:17:23.050 position:50% align:middle on our website. 00:17:23.050 --> 00:17:31.632 position:50% align:middle And these resources include the test plan, and a REx-PN practice exam is also available. 00:17:33.690 --> 00:17:34.710 position:50% align:middle - Okay, thank you. 00:17:34.710 --> 00:17:37.320 position:50% align:middle And then I probably should have clarified a little bit in the question. 00:17:37.320 --> 00:17:40.500 position:50% align:middle So that would all be what Aly named, I would say before testing, 00:17:40.500 --> 00:17:45.120 position:50% align:middle and then Jacklyn during testing, are candidates able to bring any resources? 00:17:45.120 --> 00:17:50.398 position:50% align:middle - Candidates are not able to bring study materials to the testing center. 00:17:50.920 --> 00:17:56.760 position:50% align:middle When candidates check-in at the testing center, they will be provided with a copy of the 00:17:56.760 --> 00:17:58.960 position:50% align:middle NCSBN examination rules. 00:17:58.960 --> 00:18:05.130 position:50% align:middle In those rules, you'll find various policies of which study materials is the big one, 00:18:05.130 --> 00:18:10.420 position:50% align:middle as well as no access to electronic devices during the testing appointment. 00:18:10.420 --> 00:18:14.914 position:50% align:middle And all of that includes, you know, the moment you check-in from when you're in the testing room, 00:18:14.914 --> 00:18:19.169 position:50% align:middle during your breaks, until the conclusion of your exam. 00:18:20.180 --> 00:18:22.520 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Jacklyn. 00:18:22.520 --> 00:18:25.520 position:50% align:middle And, when is the first day of the new exam? 00:18:25.520 --> 00:18:27.720 position:50% align:middle It's in January but is there a specific date? 00:18:27.720 --> 00:18:31.577 position:50% align:middle - Yes, January 4th of 2022. 00:18:33.746 --> 00:18:34.490 position:50% align:middle - Thank you. 00:18:34.490 --> 00:18:37.120 position:50% align:middle Hong, a question for you. 00:18:37.120 --> 00:18:42.840 position:50% align:middle Is it known or is there an estimate of about what percent of items a candidate should get correct 00:18:42.840 --> 00:18:44.360 position:50% align:middle in order to pass? 00:18:45.444 --> 00:18:46.290 position:50% align:middle - Great question. 00:18:46.290 --> 00:18:46.720 position:50% align:middle Thank you. 00:18:46.720 --> 00:18:52.730 position:50% align:middle And again, for the afternoon session, CAT, we will explain more about this. 00:18:52.730 --> 00:18:58.590 position:50% align:middle But just want to mention that in REx-PN, we'll be using CAT and it's different 00:18:58.590 --> 00:19:00.670 position:50% align:middle from previous fixed form. 00:19:00.670 --> 00:19:05.370 position:50% align:middle As I mentioned, for fixed forms, everyone takes same items. 00:19:05.370 --> 00:19:16.100 position:50% align:middle So say if you got 100 correct you pass, but in CAT different people actually get different items so 00:19:16.100 --> 00:19:16.900 position:50% align:middle think about that. 00:19:16.900 --> 00:19:23.680 position:50% align:middle Or a lower ability student, I will get a lot easier items or your hybrid students, 00:19:23.680 --> 00:19:26.390 position:50% align:middle you will get more harder questions. 00:19:26.390 --> 00:19:33.320 position:50% align:middle So there is no percentage we need to say okay, if you're over this percentage you've passed because we 00:19:33.320 --> 00:19:35.920 position:50% align:middle receive different number of items. 00:19:35.920 --> 00:19:43.530 position:50% align:middle That's why in CAT we can not use percentage correct as the criteria for pass. 00:19:43.530 --> 00:19:49.680 position:50% align:middle Actually, to tell you the truth, for all the people who pass, 00:19:49.680 --> 00:19:58.070 position:50% align:middle for all the people who fail, everyone got about 50% correct and 50% wrong, 00:19:58.070 --> 00:20:01.298 position:50% align:middle because item is depend on the ability 00:20:03.830 --> 00:20:06.740 position:50% align:middle - Okay, thank you, Aly, a question for you. 00:20:06.740 --> 00:20:12.100 position:50% align:middle In British Columbia, the curriculum includes providing culturally safe and 00:20:12.100 --> 00:20:15.970 position:50% align:middle effective care specific to the Aboriginal population. 00:20:15.970 --> 00:20:18.550 position:50% align:middle Is that something that would be reflected at all on REx-PN? 00:20:18.550 --> 00:20:21.520 position:50% align:middle - Yes, Jason. 00:20:21.520 --> 00:20:22.550 position:50% align:middle Absolutely. 00:20:22.550 --> 00:20:27.030 position:50% align:middle So culture is reflected in the test plan as an integrated process. 00:20:27.030 --> 00:20:34.460 position:50% align:middle But additionally, content related to the care of the Aboriginal population would be represented in the 00:20:34.460 --> 00:20:41.629 position:50% align:middle Psychosocial Integrity category, including this care of this population. 00:20:43.240 --> 00:20:44.960 position:50% align:middle - Okay. 00:20:44.960 --> 00:20:50.970 position:50% align:middle Aly, also for medication calculation items on the exam, would there be any that would 00:20:50.970 --> 00:20:53.008 position:50% align:middle involve pediatric clients? 00:20:55.830 --> 00:20:56.940 position:50% align:middle - Yes. 00:20:56.940 --> 00:21:04.470 position:50% align:middle So if there were medication calculation, there are medication calculation items on this exam and 00:21:04.470 --> 00:21:09.480 position:50% align:middle if they were to be reflected for pediatric, it would be noted in the actual item itself. 00:21:11.484 --> 00:21:13.220 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Aly. 00:21:13.220 --> 00:21:17.509 position:50% align:middle Jacklyn, a question for candidates who write the exam in French. 00:21:17.550 --> 00:21:23.190 position:50% align:middle Would there be a toggle button that perhaps translates the item between French and English 00:21:23.190 --> 00:21:24.456 position:50% align:middle for those candidates? 00:21:26.831 --> 00:21:28.150 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Jason. 00:21:28.150 --> 00:21:35.230 position:50% align:middle And so the question I heard because my audio cut out a little bit is, will students be able to access a French 00:21:35.230 --> 00:21:39.281 position:50% align:middle button during their exam, a translation button? 00:21:39.550 --> 00:21:45.030 position:50% align:middle Well, the exam the way it is developed, it is in English or in French so when the candidates do 00:21:45.030 --> 00:21:47.596 position:50% align:middle take it in French, it will be solely in French. 00:21:50.420 --> 00:21:51.520 position:50% align:middle - Yeah. 00:21:51.520 --> 00:21:52.200 position:50% align:middle Thank you, Jacklyn. 00:21:52.200 --> 00:21:52.630 position:50% align:middle That's right. 00:21:52.630 --> 00:21:58.030 position:50% align:middle It was whether students writing in French could toggle to see the English version so I think 00:21:58.030 --> 00:21:59.560 position:50% align:middle you've answered that. 00:22:00.880 --> 00:22:07.060 position:50% align:middle Hong, I think you may have answered this but just to clarify, are candidates taking the CAT exam able to go 00:22:07.060 --> 00:22:11.880 position:50% align:middle backwards and forwards across the items in the exam, or can they only proceed forward? 00:22:11.880 --> 00:22:14.600 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Jason. 00:22:14.600 --> 00:22:16.510 position:50% align:middle The answer is no. 00:22:16.510 --> 00:22:18.740 position:50% align:middle You cannot go back and forth. 00:22:18.740 --> 00:22:22.672 position:50% align:middle You have to answer each item in order to proceed. 00:22:25.450 --> 00:22:27.810 position:50% align:middle - Okay, thank you. 00:22:27.810 --> 00:22:30.040 position:50% align:middle Jacklyn, a question related to accommodations. 00:22:30.040 --> 00:22:38.570 position:50% align:middle Is there an ability for some candidates to receive extra time or other testing accommodations that they 00:22:38.570 --> 00:22:40.878 position:50% align:middle might require for testing? 00:22:42.113 --> 00:22:44.980 position:50% align:middle - The short answer is yes, of course. 00:22:44.980 --> 00:22:48.800 position:50% align:middle This afternoon, I do do a presentation over testing accommodations. 00:22:48.800 --> 00:22:56.160 position:50% align:middle So more details will be discussed during that and candidates will be offered testing accommodations. 00:22:56.160 --> 00:23:00.450 position:50% align:middle The process, in short, is to request those from the nursing regulatory body. 00:23:00.450 --> 00:23:06.700 position:50% align:middle That gets reviewed by CNO or BCCNM and then approved for testing. 00:23:06.700 --> 00:23:10.280 position:50% align:middle Just to spoiler for this presentation this afternoon. 00:23:10.280 --> 00:23:14.769 position:50% align:middle The most frequently requested would be extra time or a separate room. 00:23:16.795 --> 00:23:18.180 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, Jacklyn. 00:23:18.180 --> 00:23:24.280 position:50% align:middle And Jacklyn, for a candidate who wishes to take the French version of the exam, 00:23:24.280 --> 00:23:27.150 position:50% align:middle is that a simple step during the registration process? 00:23:27.150 --> 00:23:30.110 position:50% align:middle How do they make that preference known? 00:23:30.110 --> 00:23:31.820 position:50% align:middle - Yes, absolutely. 00:23:31.820 --> 00:23:38.380 position:50% align:middle So when candidates wish to write their REx-PN in French, they'll simply register with Pearson VUE. 00:23:38.380 --> 00:23:43.410 position:50% align:middle There'll be language options on the website to whichever language the candidate prefers to be 00:23:43.410 --> 00:23:49.530 position:50% align:middle communicated in, English or French and they simply choose the French REx-PN while going 00:23:49.530 --> 00:23:50.625 position:50% align:middle through the registration. 00:23:52.620 --> 00:23:55.110 position:50% align:middle - Very good. 00:23:55.110 --> 00:23:57.170 position:50% align:middle Jacklyn, one more for you. 00:23:57.170 --> 00:24:03.650 position:50% align:middle If a candidate is successful on REx-PN, does that also give them the ability to practice at all 00:24:03.650 --> 00:24:05.117 position:50% align:middle in the United States? 00:24:06.775 --> 00:24:07.808 position:50% align:middle - I see. 00:24:07.808 --> 00:24:08.590 position:50% align:middle That's a good question. 00:24:08.590 --> 00:24:14.980 position:50% align:middle So licensure is determined by the nursing regulatory body and that's going to be the same in the 00:24:14.980 --> 00:24:16.230 position:50% align:middle U.S. or Canada. 00:24:16.230 --> 00:24:22.230 position:50% align:middle All nursing licensure requirements are set by the jurisdiction where the candidate seeks to be licensed. 00:24:22.230 --> 00:24:28.270 position:50% align:middle So if a candidate would like to practice in the U.S., they would have to pick the state or the jurisdiction 00:24:28.270 --> 00:24:32.400 position:50% align:middle where they'd like to practice and fulfill those requirements. 00:24:32.400 --> 00:24:41.430 position:50% align:middle The REx-PN is an examination used for licensure only in Ontario and British Columbia so the REx-PN is not used 00:24:41.430 --> 00:24:43.288 position:50% align:middle in the United States. 00:24:43.790 --> 00:24:46.260 position:50% align:middle - Thank you. 00:24:46.260 --> 00:24:50.940 position:50% align:middle Hong, you had talked about different item types that would be on the exam. 00:24:50.940 --> 00:24:54.620 position:50% align:middle There's a question about audio and drag and drop. 00:24:54.620 --> 00:24:59.220 position:50% align:middle Would we see any questions that are either audio or drag and drop on REx-PN? 00:25:03.022 --> 00:25:04.850 position:50% align:middle - Thank you very much, Jason. 00:25:04.850 --> 00:25:09.726 position:50% align:middle No, there will be no audio or drag-and-drop questions in the REx-PN. 00:25:11.122 --> 00:25:12.520 position:50% align:middle - Thank you. 00:25:12.520 --> 00:25:16.210 position:50% align:middle Jacklyn, I think this may be the last question for this session. 00:25:16.210 --> 00:25:22.210 position:50% align:middle I also want attendees to know if you asked a question that we didn't get to, we do have a second Q&A session. 00:25:22.210 --> 00:25:24.528 position:50% align:middle So we'll bring some of those questions forward. 00:25:24.950 --> 00:25:30.210 position:50% align:middle Jacklyn, the question for you, is the number of testing centers being increased 00:25:30.210 --> 00:25:31.900 position:50% align:middle to accommodate this new exam? 00:25:33.422 --> 00:25:34.920 position:50% align:middle - Well, that's a great question too. 00:25:34.920 --> 00:25:40.990 position:50% align:middle So what we have during graduation season is what we call peak season for testing season. 00:25:40.990 --> 00:25:48.340 position:50% align:middle And while the physical number of testing centers does not increase, the hours in which they operate do, 00:25:48.340 --> 00:25:55.200 position:50% align:middle so that way we can fulfill the need of incoming students during what we call again, 00:25:55.200 --> 00:25:58.631 position:50% align:middle peak season or graduation season in the springtime. 00:26:00.000 --> 00:26:02.160 position:50% align:middle - Jacklyn, thank you. 00:26:02.160 --> 00:26:05.530 position:50% align:middle So with that, I'd like to close out our first Q&A session. 00:26:05.530 --> 00:26:08.050 position:50% align:middle [Inaudible] about a 15-minute break. 00:26:08.050 --> 00:26:11.380 position:50% align:middle 35 minutes after the hour, we'll resume the conference. 00:26:11.380 --> 00:26:12.064 position:50% align:middle Thank you very much.