WEBVTT 00:00:06.170 --> 00:00:10.144 position:50% align:middle Hello, my name is Aly Brenton, and I will be providing an overview of the 00:00:10.144 --> 00:00:13.552 position:50% align:middle REx-PN Practice Analysis and Test Plan. 00:00:13.840 --> 00:00:19.100 position:50% align:middle Objectives for this presentation are to provide you with, an understanding of the purpose of the 00:00:19.100 --> 00:00:26.320 position:50% align:middle REx-PN exam, to describe important features of the practice analysis and test plan process, 00:00:26.320 --> 00:00:31.761 position:50% align:middle an awareness of how the practice analysis and Canadian entry-to-practice competencies inform 00:00:31.761 --> 00:00:38.136 position:50% align:middle the REx-PN Test Plan, to be able to discuss the purpose of the REx-PN Test Plan, 00:00:38.136 --> 00:00:44.572 position:50% align:middle and to know where to access the available REx-PN publications and educational resources. 00:00:45.334 --> 00:00:51.060 position:50% align:middle The purpose of the REx-PN regulatory exam is to ensure client's safety and public protection. 00:00:51.060 --> 00:00:56.278 position:50% align:middle The exam achieves this by adhering to three foundational principles. 00:00:56.400 --> 00:00:59.210 position:50% align:middle Number one, fair and comprehensive. 00:00:59.210 --> 00:01:04.740 position:50% align:middle Processes are in place to make sure that the REx-PN exam is fair for all that take the exam and 00:01:04.740 --> 00:01:10.048 position:50% align:middle comprehensive of nursing practice in British Columbia and Ontario. 00:01:10.070 --> 00:01:17.360 position:50% align:middle Content within the REx-PN exam is a direct result of gathering data about activities of entry-level nurses 00:01:17.360 --> 00:01:21.630 position:50% align:middle in BC and Ontario through the practice analysis. 00:01:21.630 --> 00:01:29.087 position:50% align:middle Additionally, nurse volunteer panels perform ongoing item reviews to ensure elimination of bias to provide 00:01:29.087 --> 00:01:32.890 position:50% align:middle a fair examination for all exam writers. 00:01:32.890 --> 00:01:39.906 position:50% align:middle Our psychometrics team also diligently monitors all REx-PN items and perform statistical analyses 00:01:39.906 --> 00:01:43.557 position:50% align:middle to ensure each item is devoid of potential bias 00:01:43.557 --> 00:01:48.379 position:50% align:middle and every exam administered falls within the exam specifications. 00:01:48.379 --> 00:01:54.479 position:50% align:middle These processes ensure the REx-PN is testing nursing knowledge only. 00:01:55.200 --> 00:01:57.710 position:50% align:middle Number two, entry-level. 00:01:57.710 --> 00:02:03.770 position:50% align:middle REx-PN items are developed specifically to assess entry-level nursing knowledge. 00:02:03.770 --> 00:02:10.630 position:50% align:middle This characteristic is important. As we know, nursing practice evolves with time and experience. 00:02:10.630 --> 00:02:15.710 position:50% align:middle For the purposes of the REx-PN, our definition of an entry-level nurse is one who has been 00:02:15.710 --> 00:02:18.387 position:50% align:middle practicing for 12 months or less. 00:02:18.980 --> 00:02:24.535 position:50% align:middle REx-PN content is referenced using textbooks, journals, and websites commonly used in 00:02:24.535 --> 00:02:30.959 position:50% align:middle nursing curriculum to ensure content reflects what is taught within educational programs. 00:02:31.620 --> 00:02:36.561 position:50% align:middle An item may be reworked If it does not contain entry-level material. 00:02:36.700 --> 00:02:39.400 position:50% align:middle Number three, current practice. 00:02:39.400 --> 00:02:45.550 position:50% align:middle It is essential that the exam items reflect current nursing practice and not contain outdated 00:02:45.550 --> 00:02:47.450 position:50% align:middle concepts and tasks. 00:02:47.450 --> 00:02:53.640 position:50% align:middle To ensure the REx-PN is up-to-date with current scope of practice, a practice analysis is conducted 00:02:53.640 --> 00:02:55.578 position:50% align:middle every five years. 00:02:55.920 --> 00:03:01.610 position:50% align:middle All items undergo a cyclical item review process to ensure currency of content. 00:03:01.610 --> 00:03:07.425 position:50% align:middle This review process not only involves staff, it involves panels of nurse experts from 00:03:07.425 --> 00:03:11.909 position:50% align:middle BC and Ontario providing input to nursing practice. 00:03:11.920 --> 00:03:18.112 position:50% align:middle Items not consistent with current scope of practice can be immediately removed from the item pools. 00:03:18.420 --> 00:03:23.250 position:50% align:middle If there is a change in scope of practice outside of the cyclical item review, 00:03:23.250 --> 00:03:28.574 position:50% align:middle a database search can be performed and content can be pulled down immediately. 00:03:28.730 --> 00:03:33.500 position:50% align:middle Now let's get into some of the details of the REx-PN Practice Analysis. 00:03:33.500 --> 00:03:39.490 position:50% align:middle The diagram here is a representation of the entire item development process for the REx-PN. 00:03:39.490 --> 00:03:44.554 position:50% align:middle As you can see, the items are thoroughly vetted and reviewed during this process that takes 00:03:44.554 --> 00:03:51.140 position:50% align:middle approximately 12 to 18 months before they are operational or scored on the exam. 00:03:51.140 --> 00:03:57.180 position:50% align:middle Our focus today is to explain in detail the beginning of the item development process with the REx-PN 00:03:57.180 --> 00:03:59.140 position:50% align:middle Practice Analysis and test plan. 00:04:00.129 --> 00:04:04.560 position:50% align:middle A practice analysis can also be called the job analysis. 00:04:04.560 --> 00:04:09.130 position:50% align:middle A systematic study of the tasks performed in a job. 00:04:09.130 --> 00:04:15.797 position:50% align:middle It is designed to elicit detailed information about the responsibilities and duties of a job. 00:04:16.330 --> 00:04:20.707 position:50% align:middle The data collected from a practice analysis can be used in various settings, 00:04:20.707 --> 00:04:27.740 position:50% align:middle such as the hiring of employees, performance assessments, and in our case, licensure decisions. 00:04:27.740 --> 00:04:34.390 position:50% align:middle For the REx-PN Practice Analysis, entry-level LPN/RPNs evaluate activity statements and 00:04:34.390 --> 00:04:37.598 position:50% align:middle rate them by frequency and importance. 00:04:38.120 --> 00:04:43.890 position:50% align:middle The REx-PN Practice Analysis is performed every five years and before the data can be collected, 00:04:43.890 --> 00:04:48.257 position:50% align:middle a panel of nurse experts convenes to help determine the activities 00:04:48.257 --> 00:04:52.400 position:50% align:middle performed by an entry-level LPN/RPN nurse. 00:04:53.046 --> 00:04:59.107 position:50% align:middle Once this is completed, the practice analysis is then sent out as a large-scale survey 00:04:59.107 --> 00:05:05.666 position:50% align:middle to entry-level nurses within British Columbia and Ontario in their first 12 months of practice. 00:05:06.380 --> 00:05:10.370 position:50% align:middle Demographic information, including work environment and work experience, 00:05:10.370 --> 00:05:16.229 position:50% align:middle is obtained from these nurses in BC and Ontario, as well as the ratings on the frequency 00:05:16.229 --> 00:05:19.927 position:50% align:middle and importance of each nursing activity statement. 00:05:20.520 --> 00:05:25.770 position:50% align:middle Based on this data, we may find that some nursing activities are performed very often but are 00:05:25.770 --> 00:05:27.630 position:50% align:middle not as important. 00:05:27.630 --> 00:05:31.920 position:50% align:middle It also may tell us that certain nursing activities are extremely important, 00:05:31.920 --> 00:05:35.420 position:50% align:middle even if they are not performed very frequently. 00:05:35.420 --> 00:05:41.230 position:50% align:middle The data results from the practice analysis survey helps guide the content distribution in the client 00:05:41.230 --> 00:05:44.965 position:50% align:middle needs categories of the REx-PN Test Plan. 00:05:45.900 --> 00:05:51.530 position:50% align:middle Subject matter experts are all nurses that have worked alongside educated or are themselves, 00:05:51.530 --> 00:05:55.090 position:50% align:middle entry-level nurses, within the first 12 months of practice. 00:05:55.441 --> 00:06:01.966 position:50% align:middle The SMEs represent the geographic areas of BC and Ontario, major nursing specialties, 00:06:01.966 --> 00:06:04.083 position:50% align:middle and practice settings. 00:06:04.083 --> 00:06:10.190 position:50% align:middle During the panel, the SMEs use their professional expertise and are provided with various resources 00:06:10.190 --> 00:06:13.834 position:50% align:middle about the LPN/RPN nursing practice. 00:06:14.050 --> 00:06:19.360 position:50% align:middle These resources include a summary of nurse leader interviews, activity logs, 00:06:19.360 --> 00:06:22.465 position:50% align:middle and documents on nursing competencies. 00:06:23.190 --> 00:06:28.870 position:50% align:middle Outcomes of the meeting include a list of activity statements and an approved structure on the 00:06:28.870 --> 00:06:30.540 position:50% align:middle test plan categories. 00:06:30.905 --> 00:06:37.420 position:50% align:middle The SMEs also complete the practice analysis survey sent out to entry-level nurses to help validate 00:06:37.420 --> 00:06:39.204 position:50% align:middle the data results. 00:06:39.560 --> 00:06:44.482 position:50% align:middle Shown here is an example of a few activity statements that were developed during 00:06:44.482 --> 00:06:46.482 position:50% align:middle the practice analysis panel. 00:06:46.509 --> 00:06:54.109 position:50% align:middle There were a total of 153 activity statements created, which reflect activities that entry-level PNs 00:06:54.109 --> 00:06:56.521 position:50% align:middle may perform on the job. 00:06:56.650 --> 00:07:02.312 position:50% align:middle Activity statements are intended to be concise and quantifiable job tasks that can be incorporated 00:07:02.312 --> 00:07:06.218 position:50% align:middle into a wide-scale job survey for data collection. 00:07:06.380 --> 00:07:11.535 position:50% align:middle While the practice analysis is important to the REx-PN, entry-level competencies 00:07:11.535 --> 00:07:15.600 position:50% align:middle or entry-to-practice competencies are also worth noting here. 00:07:15.600 --> 00:07:19.912 position:50% align:middle The REx-PN is one of the criteria an applicant must meet. 00:07:20.100 --> 00:07:23.910 position:50% align:middle These competencies are addressed in the nursing curriculum. 00:07:23.910 --> 00:07:29.370 position:50% align:middle Like other entry-level exams, the REx-PN is not intended to test everything a student 00:07:29.370 --> 00:07:33.616 position:50% align:middle is taught in their education program and does not test all competencies 00:07:33.616 --> 00:07:36.304 position:50% align:middle needed throughout a nurse's career. 00:07:36.730 --> 00:07:42.870 position:50% align:middle The regulatory exam is designed to measure that the applicant has the necessary knowledge, skills, 00:07:42.870 --> 00:07:50.015 position:50% align:middle and abilities needed to practice nursing safely and effectively within their first year of practice. 00:07:50.880 --> 00:07:55.483 position:50% align:middle The mapping analysis was conducted in which the competencies of nursing curricular 00:07:55.483 --> 00:08:01.747 position:50% align:middle in BC and Ontario was systematically compared to the activity statements within the practice analysis 00:08:01.747 --> 00:08:04.552 position:50% align:middle and determined alignment between the two. 00:08:05.090 --> 00:08:10.770 position:50% align:middle The results of the analysis showed that the REx-PN Test Plan aligns with the competencies 00:08:10.770 --> 00:08:15.012 position:50% align:middle LPN or RPNs need in their first year of practice. 00:08:16.220 --> 00:08:21.313 position:50% align:middle All but one of the entry-level competencies mapped to the REx-PN activity statements 00:08:21.313 --> 00:08:26.759 position:50% align:middle in corresponding content. The one competency that did not map to the REx-PN Test Plan 00:08:26.900 --> 00:08:32.290 position:50% align:middle was number 19, distinguishes between the mandates of regulatory bodies, 00:08:32.290 --> 00:08:35.226 position:50% align:middle professional association, and unions. 00:08:35.310 --> 00:08:42.109 position:50% align:middle This competency is not tested on the REx-PN, rather it is taught in the education program. 00:08:42.510 --> 00:08:46.111 position:50% align:middle An example of the mapping is displayed and the document can be located 00:08:46.111 --> 00:08:49.538 position:50% align:middle on the CNO and BCCNM websites. 00:08:50.164 --> 00:08:58.048 position:50% align:middle Now I'll briefly go over some of the LPN/RPN demographic results from 2019 practice analysis. 00:08:58.090 --> 00:09:03.980 position:50% align:middle The sample of nurses captured in the practice analysis panel reflected the 2018 population 00:09:03.980 --> 00:09:07.300 position:50% align:middle of LPN/RPN entry-level nurses. 00:09:07.300 --> 00:09:12.204 position:50% align:middle The sampling of nurses followed the distribution of entry-level nurses across British Columbia 00:09:12.204 --> 00:09:19.560 position:50% align:middle and Ontario, 6,625 nurses were randomly sampled. 00:09:19.560 --> 00:09:24.917 position:50% align:middle The web surveys went out and were conducted in February through March of 2019. 00:09:25.141 --> 00:09:29.610 position:50% align:middle As you can see here, the majority of the responders to the survey were 00:09:29.610 --> 00:09:35.130 position:50% align:middle graduates of LPN/RPN diploma programs at 88.5%. 00:09:35.980 --> 00:09:41.780 position:50% align:middle Based on these two graphs, you can see at the time nurses completed their survey, 00:09:41.780 --> 00:09:48.260 position:50% align:middle on average, a little over 10 months had passed between the time nurses completed their education, 00:09:48.260 --> 00:09:51.583 position:50% align:middle then obtained their license and gained employment. 00:09:52.230 --> 00:09:58.170 position:50% align:middle The top three client health conditions that nurses reported caring for most frequently were clients 00:09:58.170 --> 00:10:02.581 position:50% align:middle with stable chronic conditions, behavioral/emotional conditions, 00:10:02.581 --> 00:10:05.050 position:50% align:middle and clients at end of life. 00:10:05.050 --> 00:10:08.660 position:50% align:middle It's important to note that respondents could select more than one option, 00:10:08.660 --> 00:10:12.079 position:50% align:middle which is why the percentage is greater than 100%. 00:10:12.952 --> 00:10:19.830 position:50% align:middle The majority of newly licensed LPN/RPNs reported that on their last day of work prior to completing 00:10:19.830 --> 00:10:24.669 position:50% align:middle the survey, they cared for adult clients in the varying age ranges. 00:10:25.520 --> 00:10:32.933 position:50% align:middle The published report and full details of the practice analysis can be found on the NCSBN, BCCNM, 00:10:32.933 --> 00:10:37.005 position:50% align:middle and CNO websites and are available to the public. 00:10:37.120 --> 00:10:43.079 position:50% align:middle Next, I'll provide you all with some very valuable information about the REx-PN Test Plan. 00:10:43.330 --> 00:10:49.164 position:50% align:middle The REx-PN Test Plan includes in-depth information of the content categories and activities that were 00:10:49.164 --> 00:10:53.080 position:50% align:middle result of the data collected from the practice analysis. 00:10:53.080 --> 00:10:58.300 position:50% align:middle In order to keep up with current nursing practice, the test plan is updated every five years. 00:10:58.300 --> 00:11:05.140 position:50% align:middle The information is also reviewed and approved by the Practical Nurse Exam Committee or PNEC, 00:11:05.140 --> 00:11:08.208 position:50% align:middle which has final oversight of the exam. 00:11:08.300 --> 00:11:14.783 position:50% align:middle The test plan is a valuable tool to exam writers preparing for the exam by providing information on 00:11:14.783 --> 00:11:20.706 position:50% align:middle how the exam works and what content may appear on the exam just like a study guide. 00:11:21.000 --> 00:11:28.230 position:50% align:middle The test plan also provides direction to item writing volunteers to ensure each item is linked to the 00:11:28.230 --> 00:11:31.040 position:50% align:middle appropriate test plan category. 00:11:31.210 --> 00:11:38.022 position:50% align:middle In addition to assisting candidates and volunteers, the test plan helps staff classify the items. 00:11:38.100 --> 00:11:44.632 position:50% align:middle Each activity statement is assigned into each one of the eight test plan categories. 00:11:44.910 --> 00:11:51.390 position:50% align:middle This is to ensure every exam writer receives a comprehensive exam which contains the required 00:11:51.390 --> 00:11:54.779 position:50% align:middle percentages of each client needs category. 00:11:56.840 --> 00:12:02.670 position:50% align:middle Effective January 2022, the distribution of content of the eight test plan 00:12:02.670 --> 00:12:06.121 position:50% align:middle categories in the REx-PN exam is displayed. 00:12:06.890 --> 00:12:12.883 position:50% align:middle All of these test plan categories are a result of the 2019 REx-PN Practice Analysis and have been 00:12:12.883 --> 00:12:14.882 position:50% align:middle reviewed by the PNEC. 00:12:15.586 --> 00:12:20.910 position:50% align:middle Each exam will contain a specific distribution of items from each of these test plan categories, 00:12:20.910 --> 00:12:25.469 position:50% align:middle regardless of the total number of items appearing on the writer's exam. 00:12:26.170 --> 00:12:30.690 position:50% align:middle To accommodate this, the distribution of content in individual examinations 00:12:30.690 --> 00:12:35.549 position:50% align:middle may differ slightly, plus or minus 3% in each of these categories. 00:12:35.600 --> 00:12:40.780 position:50% align:middle Before getting into the specific test plan categories, it is important to recognize the REx-PN 00:12:40.780 --> 00:12:43.610 position:50% align:middle exam integrated processes. 00:12:43.610 --> 00:12:48.460 position:50% align:middle These processes are fundamental to the practice of nursing and are integrated throughout all the 00:12:48.460 --> 00:12:50.530 position:50% align:middle test plan categories. 00:12:50.730 --> 00:12:57.104 position:50% align:middle Regardless of the test plan category, exam content could also contain these six concepts. 00:12:57.370 --> 00:13:02.920 position:50% align:middle For specific definitions of these integrated processes, please refer to the published test plan 00:13:02.920 --> 00:13:05.133 position:50% align:middle on NCSBN's website. 00:13:05.490 --> 00:13:09.110 position:50% align:middle Our first test plan category is Management of Care. 00:13:09.110 --> 00:13:16.140 position:50% align:middle Category 1 is the largest test plan category found on the REx-PN making up 21% of the exam. 00:13:16.140 --> 00:13:22.650 position:50% align:middle In total, there are 27 activity statements with examples of four shown here. 00:13:22.650 --> 00:13:28.110 position:50% align:middle Relevant content in this area includes, but is not limited to collaboration 00:13:28.110 --> 00:13:35.620 position:50% align:middle with interdisciplinary teams, establishing priorities, advanced directives, confidentiality, 00:13:35.620 --> 00:13:37.447 position:50% align:middle and client rights. 00:13:38.790 --> 00:13:43.893 position:50% align:middle REx-PN second test plan category is Safety and Infection Control. 00:13:44.130 --> 00:13:51.510 position:50% align:middle This content area comprises 13% of the content on the exam and has a total of 13 associated activity 00:13:51.510 --> 00:13:55.430 position:50% align:middle statements with four examples shown to the right. 00:13:55.430 --> 00:14:00.658 position:50% align:middle Related content in this area includes, but is not limited to emergency response, 00:14:00.658 --> 00:14:07.132 position:50% align:middle minimizing harm and risk, incident reporting, and standard and infection precautions. 00:14:08.050 --> 00:14:12.111 position:50% align:middle Test Plan Category 3, Health Promotion and Maintenance. 00:14:12.432 --> 00:14:18.300 position:50% align:middle Nine percent of the exam content here is relating to the aging process, developmental stages 00:14:18.300 --> 00:14:24.010 position:50% align:middle and transitions, as well as various health promotion in screening nursing care activities. 00:14:24.010 --> 00:14:29.547 position:50% align:middle There are three examples of activity statements listed here with a total of 19 activity statements 00:14:29.547 --> 00:14:32.119 position:50% align:middle contained in this category. 00:14:32.190 --> 00:14:35.650 position:50% align:middle Category 4, Psychosocial Integrity. 00:14:35.650 --> 00:14:41.938 position:50% align:middle At 11% of the exam, this test plan category content is related to behavioral interventions, 00:14:41.938 --> 00:14:45.910 position:50% align:middle coping mechanisms, and therapeutic communication. 00:14:45.910 --> 00:14:50.990 position:50% align:middle You can see there are four activity statements in this category shown here. 00:14:50.990 --> 00:14:56.474 position:50% align:middle There are a total of 19 activity statements in Category 4 on the REx-PN. 00:14:57.960 --> 00:15:03.310 position:50% align:middle Basic Care and Comfort is the fifth test plan category out of eight on the REx-PN exam. 00:15:03.310 --> 00:15:08.870 position:50% align:middle A few examples of content in this category are related to assistive devices, basic 00:15:08.870 --> 00:15:11.830 position:50% align:middle personal care, and nutrition. 00:15:11.830 --> 00:15:16.192 position:50% align:middle Nine percent of the exam content will be from this area. 00:15:16.410 --> 00:15:22.976 position:50% align:middle Four of the 16 activity statements taken directly from the test plan category are shown here. 00:15:24.620 --> 00:15:32.342 position:50% align:middle The sixth test plan category is Pharmacological and Parental Therapies, making up 17% of the exam. 00:15:32.694 --> 00:15:37.450 position:50% align:middle As you can imagine, this test plan category is related to pharmacology. 00:15:37.450 --> 00:15:43.070 position:50% align:middle There are 22 activity statements with 4 example statements shown in the slide. 00:15:43.070 --> 00:15:50.080 position:50% align:middle Much of the content in this category can be related to medication administration, interactions, 00:15:50.080 --> 00:15:54.130 position:50% align:middle blood and blood products, central venous access devices, 00:15:54.130 --> 00:15:57.178 position:50% align:middle and parenteral or IV therapies. 00:15:57.610 --> 00:16:02.940 position:50% align:middle Making our way through the eight categories, our seventh is Reduction of Risk Potential at 11% 00:16:02.940 --> 00:16:05.550 position:50% align:middle of the exam content. 00:16:05.550 --> 00:16:11.760 position:50% align:middle From this test plan category, exam material may include lab values, diagnostic tests, 00:16:11.760 --> 00:16:16.045 position:50% align:middle changes in vital signs, and system-specific assessments. 00:16:16.140 --> 00:16:23.160 position:50% align:middle This category contains a total of 19 activity statements, and you see the specific examples 00:16:23.160 --> 00:16:26.840 position:50% align:middle of activity statements in Category 7 listed here. 00:16:26.840 --> 00:16:33.130 position:50% align:middle Our final test plan category, Physiological Adaptation at 9% of the exam outlines 00:16:33.130 --> 00:16:38.390 position:50% align:middle nursing content pertaining to acute and chronic physical health conditions as well 00:16:38.390 --> 00:16:40.570 position:50% align:middle as life-threatening illnesses. 00:16:40.570 --> 00:16:47.076 position:50% align:middle There are 18 activity statements derived from the practice analysis for Physiological Adaptation with 00:16:47.076 --> 00:16:49.812 position:50% align:middle 3 examples shown here. 00:16:49.812 --> 00:16:55.178 position:50% align:middle As you can see from these activity statement examples, the related content could include 00:16:55.178 --> 00:17:02.100 position:50% align:middle hemodynamics, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, medical emergencies, and pathophysiology. 00:17:03.640 --> 00:17:08.940 position:50% align:middle Considering we've only scratched the surface on the information you can find in the REx-PN Practice 00:17:08.940 --> 00:17:13.180 position:50% align:middle Analysis and the Test Plan, please take advantage of these publications that are 00:17:13.180 --> 00:17:14.820 position:50% align:middle found on the web. 00:17:14.820 --> 00:17:21.860 position:50% align:middle In addition to these, through NCSBN's website, you can also find previously recorded presentations, 00:17:21.860 --> 00:17:26.928 position:50% align:middle exam FAQs, and links to BCCNM and CNO websites. 00:17:26.928 --> 00:17:29.480 position:50% align:middle We'll have a live Q&A coming up next. 00:17:29.480 --> 00:17:32.900 position:50% align:middle So be sure to put your questions in the Q&A box.