WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.166 --> 00:00:02.805 - [narrator] Compared to the dated pencil and paper test 2 00:00:02.985 --> 00:00:04.584 we all experienced in the past. 3 00:00:04.764 --> 00:00:09.344 Computerized Adaptive Testing or CAT uses today's technology 4 00:00:09.524 --> 00:00:12.843 to tailor test questions to your ability level and achieve faster, 5 00:00:13.023 --> 00:00:15.626 more accurate and fairer test results. 6 00:00:15.806 --> 00:00:20.344 At the forefront of using CAT technology for high stakes examinations, 7 00:00:20.524 --> 00:00:25.359 NCSBN has been using CAT for NCLEX since 1994. 8 00:00:25.539 --> 00:00:29.262 Let's take a brief look at how NCLEX using CAT works. 9 00:00:29.442 --> 00:00:34.189 The goal of CAT is to identify each candidate’s competence by determining 10 00:00:34.369 --> 00:00:37.436 the difficulty level of questions a candidate can consistently 11 00:00:37.616 --> 00:00:38.707 answer correctly. 12 00:00:39.932 --> 00:00:43.246 We've invited these candidates to a fitness center because we think 13 00:00:43.426 --> 00:00:47.385 their workout can quickly help you understand the principles behind CAT. 14 00:00:47.565 --> 00:00:51.778 Let's say each free weight represents a question and we want to determine 15 00:00:51.958 --> 00:00:56.086 how heavy a weight you can lift, in other words, how difficult a question 16 00:00:56.266 --> 00:00:57.540 you can answer correctly. 17 00:00:58.689 --> 00:01:02.570 In this example, the trainer has established that this size weight 18 00:01:02.750 --> 00:01:06.615 represents the passing standard, and this correlates to the minimum 19 00:01:06.795 --> 00:01:09.701 competence needed to practice entry level nursing. 20 00:01:09.881 --> 00:01:14.500 The examination is designed to determine if you can consistently answer questions 21 00:01:14.680 --> 00:01:18.810 that are more difficult than the minimum competence standard, which in our example 22 00:01:18.990 --> 00:01:20.243 is this size weight. 23 00:01:20.423 --> 00:01:24.255 Lighter weights are easier to lift and represent questions that are 24 00:01:24.435 --> 00:01:26.623 less difficult than the passing standard. 25 00:01:26.803 --> 00:01:30.909 Heavier weights are more difficult to lift and represent questions that are more 26 00:01:31.089 --> 00:01:32.964 difficult than the passing standard. 27 00:01:33.144 --> 00:01:37.380 Each question, like each free weight, reveals more about the true competence 28 00:01:37.560 --> 00:01:38.553 level of the candidate. 29 00:01:38.733 --> 00:01:43.179 With each answer, CAT's calculation of your entry level competence 30 00:01:43.359 --> 00:01:44.852 becomes more precise. 31 00:01:45.032 --> 00:01:48.974 When you answer a question correctly, you provided evidence that you could 32 00:01:49.154 --> 00:01:51.880 probably answer easier questions correctly. 33 00:01:52.060 --> 00:01:56.696 For that reason, the next question selected will be slightly more difficult. 34 00:01:56.876 --> 00:02:01.301 Increasingly more difficult questions will be asked until you incorrectly 35 00:02:01.481 --> 00:02:05.719 answer a question, at that point the next question asked will be 36 00:02:05.899 --> 00:02:07.336 slightly less difficult. 37 00:02:07.516 --> 00:02:12.012 If that question is answered correctly, then a slightly more difficult question 38 00:02:12.192 --> 00:02:16.945 will be asked next and so on throughout the remainder of your NCLEX exam. 39 00:02:17.125 --> 00:02:21.639 Everyone will miss some questions, because questions are programed to be increasingly 40 00:02:21.819 --> 00:02:25.021 difficult until a question is answered incorrectly. 41 00:02:25.201 --> 00:02:29.871 How Computerized Adaptive Testing works is illustrated by this map, 42 00:02:30.051 --> 00:02:33.502 which represents a candidate’s progress through the NCLEX. 43 00:02:33.682 --> 00:02:37.638 The NCLEX passing standard is illustrated by the blue line. 44 00:02:37.818 --> 00:02:40.995 Questions below the line are questions that are less difficult 45 00:02:41.175 --> 00:02:42.470 than the passing standard. 46 00:02:42.650 --> 00:02:46.509 Questions above the line are more difficult than the passing standard. 47 00:02:46.689 --> 00:02:51.220 The map represents both the difficulty of questions asked and the competence 48 00:02:51.400 --> 00:02:53.732 estimate of the candidates performance. 49 00:02:53.912 --> 00:02:57.484 In this example, the candidate successfully answers a series of 50 00:02:57.664 --> 00:03:01.789 increasingly difficult questions, then the candidate begins to answer 51 00:03:01.969 --> 00:03:06.138 some questions incorrectly, after answering the minimum number 52 00:03:06.318 --> 00:03:10.229 of questions required, the candidate reaches a competence level that is 53 00:03:10.409 --> 00:03:12.917 significantly above the passing standard. 54 00:03:13.097 --> 00:03:16.660 When competency is determined, the examination is completed and 55 00:03:16.840 --> 00:03:18.120 the candidate passes. 56 00:03:18.300 --> 00:03:22.581 Conversely, when it is determined that the candidate is not competent, 57 00:03:22.761 --> 00:03:26.338 the examination ends and the candidate does not pass. 58 00:03:26.518 --> 00:03:30.559 The number and difficulty of the questions will vary for each candidate. 59 00:03:30.739 --> 00:03:34.987 This is true for candidates above and below the passing standard. 60 00:03:35.167 --> 00:03:39.027 Some candidates will be asked fewer question because a competent 61 00:03:39.207 --> 00:03:41.794 pass or fail determination was made quickly 62 00:03:41.974 --> 00:03:46.853 for consistently answered questions either significantly above or below 63 00:03:47.033 --> 00:03:48.165 the passing standard. 64 00:03:48.345 --> 00:03:51.967 Other candidates however who have competence levels near the passing 65 00:03:52.147 --> 00:03:57.097 standard either a little above or below will be ask more questions in order 66 00:03:57.277 --> 00:03:59.603 to determine their pass or fail results. 67 00:03:59.783 --> 00:04:04.934 To ensure complete content coverage, all RN candidates will answer a minimum 68 00:04:05.114 --> 00:04:09.756 of 75 and a maximum of 265 test questions. 69 00:04:09.936 --> 00:04:16.192 PN candidates will answer a minimum of 85 and a maximum of 205 questions. 70 00:04:16.372 --> 00:04:20.959 Though most candidates finish in about two hours, you'll be given up to six hours 71 00:04:21.139 --> 00:04:25.343 to complete the RN exam or five hours for the PN exam. 72 00:04:25.523 --> 00:04:28.289 This includes a tutorial and all break times. 73 00:04:28.469 --> 00:04:33.560 A candidate will pass the NCLEX if he or she answers at least the minimum 74 00:04:33.740 --> 00:04:37.949 number of questions and achieves a competence level significantly above 75 00:04:38.129 --> 00:04:42.644 the passing standard, answers the maximum number of questions and achieves 76 00:04:42.824 --> 00:04:47.765 a competence level above the passing standard, even if not significantly above. 77 00:04:47.945 --> 00:04:52.785 Or answers at least the minimum number of questions but runs out of time and has a 78 00:04:52.965 --> 00:04:57.587 competence level that has stayed above the passing standard consistently for all 79 00:04:57.767 --> 00:05:00.253 of the last 60 questions answered. 80 00:05:00.433 --> 00:05:05.586 A candidate will not pass the NCLEX if he or she achieves a competence level 81 00:05:05.766 --> 00:05:08.321 significantly below the passing standard. 82 00:05:08.501 --> 00:05:12.717 Answers the maximum number of questions and has a competence level below the 83 00:05:12.897 --> 00:05:17.399 passing standard, runs out of time, and has a competence level that falls 84 00:05:17.579 --> 00:05:22.617 below the passing standard at any point during the last 60 questions answered 85 00:05:22.797 --> 00:05:27.380 or answers fewer than the minimum number of questions during the time allowed. 86 00:05:27.560 --> 00:05:30.605 Taking the NCLEX is the culmination of your studies. 87 00:05:30.785 --> 00:05:36.032 A thorough examination of your entry level nursing knowledge, skills and abilities. 88 00:05:36.212 --> 00:05:40.360 Passing the NCLEX demonstrates your competence and readiness to begin your 89 00:05:40.540 --> 00:05:43.519 career as a newly licensed entry level nurse. 90 00:05:43.699 --> 00:05:48.205 Just like a well-designed fitness program can help prepare you for a healthy life. 91 00:05:48.385 --> 00:05:52.933 Understanding how CAT works will better prepare you for the testing experience. 92 00:05:53.113 --> 00:05:58.357 At nclex.com, you can review other materials to learn more about the exam. 93 00:05:58.537 --> 00:05:59.795 Good luck!