WEBVTT 00:00:04.820 --> 00:00:08.890 position:50% align:middle Measuring clinical judgment has been one of the major undertakings of the 00:00:08.890 --> 00:00:10.584 position:50% align:middle Next Generation NCLEX Project. 00:00:10.584 --> 00:00:14.277 position:50% align:middle Clinical Judgment is defined as the observed outcome 00:00:14.277 --> 00:00:17.390 position:50% align:middle of critical thinking and decision-making. 00:00:17.390 --> 00:00:21.710 position:50% align:middle It is an iterative process that uses nursing knowledge to observe and assess 00:00:21.710 --> 00:00:26.180 position:50% align:middle presenting situations, identify and prioritize client concerns, 00:00:26.180 --> 00:00:29.650 position:50% align:middle and generate the best possible evidence-based solutions, 00:00:29.650 --> 00:00:32.420 position:50% align:middle in order to deliver safe client care. 00:00:32.420 --> 00:00:37.480 position:50% align:middle NCSBN Research identified a list of contextual factors that play a role in the 00:00:37.480 --> 00:00:40.460 position:50% align:middle quality of nursing clinical judgment. 00:00:40.460 --> 00:00:43.343 position:50% align:middle These factors may be divided into conditions 00:00:43.343 --> 00:00:45.925 position:50% align:middle that are internal or external to the nurse. 00:00:45.925 --> 00:00:54.200 position:50% align:middle Internal conditions include education, experience, knowledge, communication, 00:00:54.200 --> 00:00:59.865 position:50% align:middle consequences and risks, emotions and perceptions, and professional orientation. 00:01:00.980 --> 00:01:08.430 position:50% align:middle Examples of external conditions are task complexity, time pressures, distractions, 00:01:08.430 --> 00:01:11.420 position:50% align:middle interruptions, and professional autonomy. 00:01:11.420 --> 00:01:15.540 position:50% align:middle Recognizing that it is necessary to determine whether clinical judgment is 00:01:15.540 --> 00:01:17.457 position:50% align:middle more than just possessing nursing knowledge, 00:01:17.457 --> 00:01:21.744 position:50% align:middle NCSBN conducted a pilot study in 2016. 00:01:21.744 --> 00:01:26.170 position:50% align:middle This study found that knowledge is essential, but isn't enough to validate 00:01:26.170 --> 00:01:29.110 position:50% align:middle the clinical judgment essential to safe nursing practice. 00:01:29.110 --> 00:01:34.440 position:50% align:middle The study also showed that the average ability of a nurse to demonstrate the 00:01:34.440 --> 00:01:38.528 position:50% align:middle different steps in the clinical judgment process is progressive. 00:01:38.528 --> 00:01:44.370 position:50% align:middle A nurse's ability to recognize cues, develop hypotheses, and take appropriate 00:01:44.370 --> 00:01:51.220 position:50% align:middle actions does not guarantee the ability to evaluate the outcomes of the action taken. 00:01:51.220 --> 00:01:54.372 position:50% align:middle Ultimately, no single element of clinical judgment 00:01:54.372 --> 00:01:57.934 position:50% align:middle adequately predicts a nurse's clinical judgment ability. 00:01:58.450 --> 00:02:03.130 position:50% align:middle It is the combination of all the elements that add validity and reliability to the 00:02:03.130 --> 00:02:06.430 position:50% align:middle measurement of a nurse's clinical judgment ability. 00:02:06.430 --> 00:02:08.502 position:50% align:middle In short, having content knowledge 00:02:08.502 --> 00:02:12.430 position:50% align:middle does not always translate to having clinical judgment skills. 00:02:12.430 --> 00:02:18.200 position:50% align:middle The NCSBN Clinical Judgment Model, or CJM, represents a fundamental shift from the 00:02:18.200 --> 00:02:23.800 position:50% align:middle current measurement models, in which something is either right or wrong. 00:02:23.800 --> 00:02:29.160 position:50% align:middle When context is removed and items are extremely sterile, a very precise and 00:02:29.160 --> 00:02:30.824 position:50% align:middle stable measurement can be obtained. 00:02:31.585 --> 00:02:36.930 position:50% align:middle But the context in which an individual makes decisions matters. 00:02:36.930 --> 00:02:39.775 position:50% align:middle Consequences, time constraints, and risks 00:02:39.775 --> 00:02:42.224 position:50% align:middle cause someone to make decisions a certain way. 00:02:42.590 --> 00:02:45.920 position:50% align:middle The CJM can be broken down into four levels. 00:02:45.920 --> 00:02:48.400 position:50% align:middle Imagine that a nurse walks into a client's room. 00:02:48.400 --> 00:02:52.180 position:50% align:middle Cues exist that must be first recognized and then analyzed 00:02:52.180 --> 00:02:54.515 position:50% align:middle in order to care for the client properly. 00:02:55.070 --> 00:03:00.953 position:50% align:middle So the nurse forms hypotheses, prioritizes them, generates solutions, 00:03:00.953 --> 00:03:03.080 position:50% align:middle and then takes actions. 00:03:03.080 --> 00:03:07.690 position:50% align:middle Research thus far has indicated that these actions can be measured. 00:03:07.690 --> 00:03:11.200 position:50% align:middle These levels of the CJM are divided into six layers. 00:03:11.200 --> 00:03:16.580 position:50% align:middle One: recognize cues where relevant and important information is identified 00:03:16.580 --> 00:03:21.610 position:50% align:middle from different sources, such as medical history or vital signs. 00:03:21.610 --> 00:03:26.790 position:50% align:middle Two: Analyze cues, which is organizing and linking the recognized cues to the 00:03:26.790 --> 00:03:29.350 position:50% align:middle client's clinical presentation. 00:03:29.350 --> 00:03:32.814 position:50% align:middle Three: Prioritize hypotheses, where hypotheses 00:03:32.814 --> 00:03:36.320 position:50% align:middle are evaluated and ranked according to priority. 00:03:36.320 --> 00:03:42.570 position:50% align:middle This can include urgency, likelihood, risk, difficulty and/or time. 00:03:42.570 --> 00:03:47.420 position:50% align:middle Four: Generate solutions, which is identifying expected outcomes and 00:03:47.420 --> 00:03:52.940 position:50% align:middle using hypotheses to define a set of interventions for the expected outcomes. 00:03:52.940 --> 00:03:55.988 position:50% align:middle Five: Take action, where the solutions that 00:03:55.988 --> 00:03:58.613 position:50% align:middle address the highest priorities are implemented. 00:03:59.155 --> 00:04:02.332 position:50% align:middle And the sixth is, evaluate outcomes, 00:04:02.332 --> 00:04:06.665 position:50% align:middle which is comparing observed outcomes against expected outcomes. 00:04:07.050 --> 00:04:11.840 position:50% align:middle Layer four in the CJM, the context, is one that has not been introduced in any 00:04:11.840 --> 00:04:14.290 position:50% align:middle psychometric models before now. 00:04:14.290 --> 00:04:18.330 position:50% align:middle The question is whether you can put context around items in a way that makes 00:04:18.330 --> 00:04:20.740 position:50% align:middle it more like actual nursing practice. 00:04:20.740 --> 00:04:25.700 position:50% align:middle NCSBN continues to develop item prototypes, collect data and do research 00:04:25.700 --> 00:04:29.524 position:50% align:middle on measuring clinical judgment and measuring the layers of the CJM. 00:04:30.120 --> 00:04:33.962 position:50% align:middle You can learn more about the NGN Project at ncsbn.org.