WEBVTT 00:00:00.580 --> 00:00:06.254 position:50% align:middle Okay, I'm showing that it's 2:02 Central, so we're going to go ahead and get started. 00:00:06.520 --> 00:00:09.816 position:50% align:middle And maybe there'll be some people that join later. 00:00:10.337 --> 00:00:14.210 position:50% align:middle My name is Jim Puente. I'm the director of the Nurse Licensure Compact. 00:00:14.210 --> 00:00:20.764 position:50% align:middle Thanks for joining us today for this webinar about understanding primary state of residence. 00:00:21.032 --> 00:00:26.703 position:50% align:middle We hope you'll find the information helpful, but also hope that if you have any questions, 00:00:26.703 --> 00:00:36.127 position:50% align:middle you'll please either put your questions in the chat box or you may unmute yourself to ask a question as well. 00:00:36.127 --> 00:00:44.306 position:50% align:middle This presentation is being recorded, and the recording will be available early next week. 00:00:44.485 --> 00:00:46.926 position:50% align:middle And it'll be posted on our website. 00:00:48.184 --> 00:00:55.059 position:50% align:middle I'm hoping you can see it, but I did post the presentation in the chat box. 00:00:56.240 --> 00:01:01.097 position:50% align:middle But I don't know if you're able to see it since you're external to this organization. 00:01:01.828 --> 00:01:08.890 position:50% align:middle So if you can't…great, you're saying you can see it. Fantastic. 00:01:08.890 --> 00:01:12.058 position:50% align:middle So if you can see it, then you can download it. 00:01:12.330 --> 00:01:16.507 position:50% align:middle So if you're interested in the PowerPoint, then feel free. 00:01:16.930 --> 00:01:27.930 position:50% align:middle Okay. So this presentation was last presented and we presented this in February. 00:01:27.930 --> 00:01:32.240 position:50% align:middle And I apologize because I hear my cat crying in the background. 00:01:32.240 --> 00:01:33.999 position:50% align:middle So I'm sorry about that noise. 00:01:35.040 --> 00:01:41.030 position:50% align:middle We last presented this topic in February, but I have updated some of the slides 00:01:41.030 --> 00:01:43.194 position:50% align:middle with additional information. 00:01:43.850 --> 00:01:50.111 position:50% align:middle So it'll be similar but a little bit different in case you were on the February presentation. 00:01:51.410 --> 00:01:53.560 position:50% align:middle All right. So this is me. 00:01:53.560 --> 00:01:58.113 position:50% align:middle And I typically co-present this with Maggie, although she is out sick today. 00:01:58.113 --> 00:02:02.255 position:50% align:middle So I'm alone today in the presentation. 00:02:04.890 --> 00:02:05.896 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:02:06.140 --> 00:02:12.061 position:50% align:middle Well, I don't know if the last time you attended a presentation if we were up to 36 states yet. 00:02:12.110 --> 00:02:16.055 position:50% align:middle But in the last two weeks, Vermont enacted the compact. 00:02:16.200 --> 00:02:23.590 position:50% align:middle So you'll notice on this slide that Vermont is in a light blue, meaning that they have enacted it, 00:02:23.590 --> 00:02:27.419 position:50% align:middle although it still has yet to be implemented. 00:02:27.620 --> 00:02:34.990 position:50% align:middle Now, fortunately for Vermont and for us, they already know their implementation date, 00:02:34.990 --> 00:02:38.111 position:50% align:middle which is February 1 of 2022. 00:02:39.310 --> 00:02:48.511 position:50% align:middle When you go to this map on our website and you hover over Vermont, 00:02:48.511 --> 00:02:53.288 position:50% align:middle you will see the implementation date pop up. 00:02:53.750 --> 00:03:01.410 position:50% align:middle And so as we learn implementation dates of states, that's the way that you can learn about that date, 00:03:01.410 --> 00:03:05.703 position:50% align:middle by hovering with your mouse over the state on this map. 00:03:05.703 --> 00:03:09.871 position:50% align:middle And you will see the date if we know the date. Okay? 00:03:11.227 --> 00:03:14.930 position:50% align:middle So on this map, again, if you're newer to these presentations, 00:03:14.930 --> 00:03:18.459 position:50% align:middle the dark blue states are the current compact states. 00:03:18.459 --> 00:03:24.282 position:50% align:middle And the green states are states that have legislation and are trying to join the compact. 00:03:24.620 --> 00:03:32.340 position:50% align:middle And if you are familiar with the legislative session or cycle, you'll know that we're coming to the end 00:03:32.340 --> 00:03:34.852 position:50% align:middle of most legislative sessions. 00:03:34.900 --> 00:03:40.544 position:50% align:middle Many of them end in June, if not for the year, at least for the summer. 00:03:40.930 --> 00:03:48.470 position:50% align:middle And so we don't anticipate a whole lot of activity after June for the remainder of the year. 00:03:48.470 --> 00:03:52.089 position:50% align:middle It's certainly possible but not expected. 00:03:52.950 --> 00:03:58.977 position:50% align:middle I don't want to spend a lot of time on this slide because the focus of today's presentation is not 00:03:58.977 --> 00:04:01.137 position:50% align:middle so much of a legislative update. 00:04:01.303 --> 00:04:08.260 position:50% align:middle But I do want to let you know about Vermont as well as the fact that in the next few weeks, 00:04:08.260 --> 00:04:14.695 position:50% align:middle we expect Ohio and Pennsylvania to both pass and join the compact. 00:04:15.980 --> 00:04:24.500 position:50% align:middle So, for the year, it looks like we will have had Guam join, which was about two months ago, 00:04:24.500 --> 00:04:30.626 position:50% align:middle Vermont, two weeks ago, and then coming up soon, Ohio and Pennsylvania. 00:04:32.515 --> 00:04:37.220 position:50% align:middle And then at some point throughout the year, we believe that the Virgin Islands will also 00:04:37.220 --> 00:04:38.942 position:50% align:middle pass their legislation. 00:04:39.750 --> 00:04:47.238 position:50% align:middle All of the other states that are green that I didn't mention likely will not pass, and those are states that 00:04:47.238 --> 00:04:50.984 position:50% align:middle have opposition from nurse unions. 00:04:54.190 --> 00:04:57.044 position:50% align:middle Let's see if there's anything else I want to cover here. 00:04:59.103 --> 00:05:04.150 position:50% align:middle You'll notice two states are purple, Guam and New Jersey. 00:05:04.580 --> 00:05:08.533 position:50% align:middle Guam will implement the compact in 2022. 00:05:08.533 --> 00:05:10.833 position:50% align:middle The exact date is not known. 00:05:11.320 --> 00:05:18.890 position:50% align:middle And New Jersey is getting to the end of their implementation work. 00:05:19.240 --> 00:05:23.870 position:50% align:middle And so we anticipate learning a date from them anytime soon. 00:05:23.870 --> 00:05:29.854 position:50% align:middle We believe that New Jersey will implement in July or potentially August. 00:05:29.854 --> 00:05:32.256 position:50% align:middle So we're very, very close. 00:05:32.420 --> 00:05:37.927 position:50% align:middle And we will let you know the date as soon as we know. 00:05:38.274 --> 00:05:42.314 position:50% align:middle But again, it'll also be on this map. Okay? 00:05:44.730 --> 00:05:45.568 position:50% align:middle All right. 00:05:45.740 --> 00:05:52.360 position:50% align:middle So we don't get into great depth about what the compact is in this presentation because we take some 00:05:52.360 --> 00:05:55.200 position:50% align:middle assumptions that you have some basic knowledge. 00:05:55.200 --> 00:06:02.552 position:50% align:middle But just for the sake of those who may be newer, you know that the compact idea is that you have 00:06:02.552 --> 00:06:08.501 position:50% align:middle one multi-state license by which you can practice in all compact states. 00:06:08.501 --> 00:06:15.810 position:50% align:middle So if I just take a quick reverse back to this slide, if I was a resident of Texas, 00:06:15.810 --> 00:06:20.912 position:50% align:middle had a Texas multi-state license, then while I'm a Texas resident, 00:06:20.912 --> 00:06:24.335 position:50% align:middle I can practice in any of the blue states. 00:06:25.399 --> 00:06:31.310 position:50% align:middle And the only thing is that that is while I'm a Texas resident. 00:06:31.310 --> 00:06:37.683 position:50% align:middle Everything is based on your state of residency when it comes to a compact license. 00:06:38.400 --> 00:06:39.050 position:50% align:middle Okay? 00:06:39.050 --> 00:06:45.570 position:50% align:middle So let's go back to the terminology that multi-state license or a compact license are both the same thing. 00:06:45.640 --> 00:06:52.042 position:50% align:middle It's one license that's issued in your state of residency, which we also call home state. 00:06:52.042 --> 00:06:58.939 position:50% align:middle And it allows you to practice in every other compact state whether in-person or through telehealth. 00:06:59.461 --> 00:07:04.520 position:50% align:middle All of the states in the compact are referred to as party states. 00:07:04.520 --> 00:07:07.510 position:50% align:middle That means that they're a member state of the compact. 00:07:07.690 --> 00:07:14.726 position:50% align:middle And a single-state license is the type of license that is issued in a non-compact state. 00:07:14.940 --> 00:07:23.700 position:50% align:middle But compact states also issue single-state licenses to applicants that don't meet the requirements 00:07:23.700 --> 00:07:25.372 position:50% align:middle for a multi-state license. 00:07:25.550 --> 00:07:29.498 position:50% align:middle They are considered, then, for a single-state license. 00:07:30.943 --> 00:07:35.210 position:50% align:middle I think we talked about home state, which is your primary state of residence. 00:07:35.210 --> 00:07:40.815 position:50% align:middle And when we say primary state of residence, we're talking about the state indicated 00:07:40.815 --> 00:07:42.700 position:50% align:middle on your legal documents. 00:07:43.289 --> 00:07:48.600 position:50% align:middle Obviously, you may live in a variety of different states in the course of the year, 00:07:48.600 --> 00:07:51.746 position:50% align:middle especially if you travel to different states. 00:07:51.860 --> 00:07:59.711 position:50% align:middle But we all have one state that we indicate as our primary state of residency for legal purposes. 00:08:00.280 --> 00:08:06.400 position:50% align:middle The remote states are every other state in the compact other than your home state. 00:08:06.637 --> 00:08:13.260 position:50% align:middle Throughout the presentation and in our literature, you'll see primary state of residence 00:08:13.260 --> 00:08:15.506 position:50% align:middle with the acronym PSOR. 00:08:15.990 --> 00:08:22.982 position:50% align:middle And that authority for you to practice in other states is referred to as the privilege to practice, or PTP. 00:08:25.795 --> 00:08:30.260 position:50% align:middle You always have to remember that primary state of residence is key. 00:08:30.260 --> 00:08:34.995 position:50% align:middle And by that we mean that it's very central to the multi-state license. 00:08:35.240 --> 00:08:40.831 position:50% align:middle You're issued a multi-state license in your primary state of residency. 00:08:43.345 --> 00:08:49.110 position:50% align:middle And as you've probably heard before, that the nurse compact works the same way as the 00:08:49.110 --> 00:08:51.320 position:50% align:middle driver's license compact. 00:08:51.320 --> 00:08:56.699 position:50% align:middle As you know, your driver's license is issued by the state that you live in. 00:08:56.699 --> 00:08:59.789 position:50% align:middle The state that's your primary state of residency. 00:08:59.875 --> 00:09:02.968 position:50% align:middle And that's the same way the nurse compact works. 00:09:03.106 --> 00:09:09.161 position:50% align:middle Your primary state of residency is where your compact license is issued. 00:09:09.161 --> 00:09:16.990 position:50% align:middle So what that means is that if you were to change your primary state of residency now and because the primary 00:09:16.990 --> 00:09:23.210 position:50% align:middle state must issue your multi-state license, that means you need to get a new compact license in your new state 00:09:23.210 --> 00:09:28.207 position:50% align:middle of residency, which is exactly the way it works with the driver's license. 00:09:28.320 --> 00:09:35.810 position:50% align:middle If you change your state of legal residency within the U.S., then you move to your new state, 00:09:35.810 --> 00:09:39.128 position:50% align:middle you're going to get a new driver's license right off the bat. 00:09:39.390 --> 00:09:44.810 position:50% align:middle And not everyone may know the law in that regard, but that's how it works. 00:09:44.810 --> 00:09:47.299 position:50% align:middle And that's how the nurse compact works. 00:09:50.460 --> 00:09:51.490 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:09:51.760 --> 00:09:58.790 position:50% align:middle So we covered some of this already, saying that the primary state of residency is the state that you can 00:09:58.790 --> 00:10:03.170 position:50% align:middle prove where you legally reside for legal purposes. 00:10:03.300 --> 00:10:10.110 position:50% align:middle And when you obtain a driver's license, when you obtain a voter's registration card, 00:10:10.110 --> 00:10:17.976 position:50% align:middle you are signing a legal attestation that says, "This is my legal state of residency." 00:10:18.170 --> 00:10:25.929 position:50% align:middle And that's why those are acceptable pieces of proof for a board of nursing as acceptable proof that 00:10:25.929 --> 00:10:31.690 position:50% align:middle that state is your primary state of residency because you've legally attested to it, 00:10:31.690 --> 00:10:34.942 position:50% align:middle you've signed your name under penalty of perjury. 00:10:35.210 --> 00:10:42.190 position:50% align:middle And when you obtained your driver's license or your voter's card, you had to show proof that 00:10:42.190 --> 00:10:44.007 position:50% align:middle you resided there as well. 00:10:44.320 --> 00:10:51.080 position:50% align:middle And so that's why these documents can be proof when you're obtaining a nursing license in...a multi-state 00:10:51.080 --> 00:10:53.865 position:50% align:middle license in your primary state of residency. 00:10:54.330 --> 00:11:00.110 position:50% align:middle The big misunderstanding, however, is that when we talk about primary state of residence, 00:11:00.110 --> 00:11:05.168 position:50% align:middle we're not talking about where you own a home or where you own property. 00:11:05.280 --> 00:11:11.900 position:50% align:middle You may, in fact, not own any property whatsoever, but you still reside somewhere, 00:11:11.900 --> 00:11:17.335 position:50% align:middle you still likely have a driver's license, you still have a legal state of residency. 00:11:17.430 --> 00:11:25.874 position:50% align:middle So don't let that misnomer kind of trip you up into thinking that it's about where you have property. 00:11:27.212 --> 00:11:33.214 position:50% align:middle You will always only have one primary state of residency the same way that you will always only have 00:11:33.214 --> 00:11:34.790 position:50% align:middle one driver's license. 00:11:34.790 --> 00:11:41.780 position:50% align:middle Obviously, it makes no sense to have more than one driver's license because one of them will be illegal. 00:11:41.780 --> 00:11:46.484 position:50% align:middle You can only have one in your primary state of residency. 00:11:46.890 --> 00:11:54.720 position:50% align:middle And that's an expectation on us, that we should know those types of laws, that when we live in a state, 00:11:54.720 --> 00:12:00.731 position:50% align:middle whether it's a state ID or a driver's license, it's from that state we live in and that we vote 00:12:00.731 --> 00:12:02.392 position:50% align:middle in the state that we live in. 00:12:02.392 --> 00:12:06.642 position:50% align:middle We don't go and vote in other states where we're not a resident. 00:12:06.880 --> 00:12:12.448 position:50% align:middle Those are just expectations, and we should know the law in that respect. 00:12:12.540 --> 00:12:20.960 position:50% align:middle And so that's why there is one primary state of residency because you may live in different states 00:12:20.960 --> 00:12:31.002 position:50% align:middle in the course of a year, but the word primary designates that it's the main one, the main state. 00:12:31.870 --> 00:12:35.210 position:50% align:middle Someone asked if we can speak to military spouse. 00:12:35.310 --> 00:12:37.955 position:50% align:middle I can talk about that a little bit later. 00:12:38.130 --> 00:12:41.565 position:50% align:middle We do a different presentation for military spouses. 00:12:42.057 --> 00:12:48.017 position:50% align:middle But I will address that a little bit later in the presentation. 00:12:49.380 --> 00:12:50.331 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:12:50.560 --> 00:12:57.706 position:50% align:middle And hopefully, people are organized, that all of their legal documentation is in one state. 00:12:57.913 --> 00:13:02.555 position:50% align:middle Because those are the things where you're saying, "I'm a resident of the state." 00:13:03.290 --> 00:13:08.050 position:50% align:middle So if you have a driver's license in one state and the voter's card in a different state, 00:13:08.050 --> 00:13:11.869 position:50% align:middle you're saying to both of those states, "I'm a resident of your state." 00:13:11.869 --> 00:13:15.082 position:50% align:middle And you can't be, as a primary resident. 00:13:15.082 --> 00:13:17.668 position:50% align:middle You can't have more than one state. 00:13:18.490 --> 00:13:24.926 position:50% align:middle Now, in terms of the multi-state license, when do you have to prove residency? 00:13:25.590 --> 00:13:29.093 position:50% align:middle It's at the time you apply for the multi-state license. 00:13:30.270 --> 00:13:36.687 position:50% align:middle So once you get your multi-state license, you're not going to have to show that proof again 00:13:36.687 --> 00:13:38.301 position:50% align:middle to a board of nursing. 00:13:39.760 --> 00:13:49.280 position:50% align:middle But it's always been the expectation and the rule for any state board of nursing that you are required 00:13:49.280 --> 00:13:54.823 position:50% align:middle to notify the board of nursing when you have a change of address, even if it's a change of address 00:13:54.823 --> 00:13:56.527 position:50% align:middle within the same state. 00:13:56.650 --> 00:14:04.532 position:50% align:middle That is a rule in every state for every board of nursing, regardless of the compact. 00:14:05.890 --> 00:14:06.876 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:14:09.160 --> 00:14:10.030 position:50% align:middle All right. 00:14:10.030 --> 00:14:17.120 position:50% align:middle So now we're going to look at some of the rules related to changing your primary state of residency. 00:14:17.120 --> 00:14:23.111 position:50% align:middle Now that we understand what primary state of residency means, let's take a look at the rules. 00:14:24.980 --> 00:14:32.113 position:50% align:middle First of all, if you are changing your primary state of residency, meaning moving from one state to another, 00:14:32.113 --> 00:14:34.234 position:50% align:middle yes, you can apply. 00:14:34.234 --> 00:14:40.685 position:50% align:middle In bold here on this slide, it says, "The nurse may apply in advance of a change of primary 00:14:40.685 --> 00:14:41.960 position:50% align:middle state of residency. 00:14:43.014 --> 00:14:49.580 position:50% align:middle And we're going to talk a little more about that later on because unless you let the board of nursing know 00:14:49.580 --> 00:14:53.247 position:50% align:middle that you're going to be moving to their state, how will they know? 00:14:53.360 --> 00:14:56.983 position:50% align:middle And there's a place to indicate that in the application. 00:14:59.043 --> 00:15:02.740 position:50% align:middle Okay. In the next couple slides, we're going to look at the responsibilities 00:15:02.740 --> 00:15:04.260 position:50% align:middle of the applicant. 00:15:04.260 --> 00:15:11.840 position:50% align:middle One of those responsibilities is to complete a declaration of primary state of residency form. 00:15:11.840 --> 00:15:17.910 position:50% align:middle And that's what this role pertains to, that when you're getting a license in the compact state, 00:15:17.910 --> 00:15:24.210 position:50% align:middle one of the forms in that application is going to be a form called a declaration of primary 00:15:24.210 --> 00:15:25.651 position:50% align:middle state of residency. 00:15:25.750 --> 00:15:27.930 position:50% align:middle You are required to complete that. 00:15:27.930 --> 00:15:29.951 position:50% align:middle It's a legal attestation. 00:15:29.951 --> 00:15:35.677 position:50% align:middle So that's where you're swearing that that state is your state of legal residency. 00:15:36.548 --> 00:15:44.675 position:50% align:middle And then attached to that, the board of nursing may ask you to provide some pieces of proof, 00:15:44.675 --> 00:15:49.530 position:50% align:middle which is oftentimes a driver's license, and could be a voter's card. 00:15:49.530 --> 00:15:54.975 position:50% align:middle Those are the most common and easy things for someone to pull out of their wallet or purse. 00:15:59.040 --> 00:16:07.524 position:50% align:middle Okay. Let's take a quick look at Jessica Davis's question, "Can you speak to the military spouse? 00:16:07.900 --> 00:16:13.677 position:50% align:middle Their primary state of residence, taxes, voting may be different than the state that the 00:16:13.677 --> 00:16:20.579 position:50% align:middle spouse has a driver's license, and they may be different than the state 00:16:20.579 --> 00:16:22.468 position:50% align:middle the spouse lives in." 00:16:23.350 --> 00:16:29.033 position:50% align:middle That seems to be contrary to what we were saying. 00:16:29.080 --> 00:16:36.790 position:50% align:middle So if your primary state of residence is where you're voting and paying taxes, 00:16:36.790 --> 00:16:40.839 position:50% align:middle it seems that you should also have your driver's license there. 00:16:41.600 --> 00:16:45.485 position:50% align:middle And I see in your question that you're saying it may be different. 00:16:46.769 --> 00:16:53.200 position:50% align:middle What I can tell you is that when it comes to the multi-state license, 00:16:53.200 --> 00:17:00.730 position:50% align:middle you're going to need to be able to show proof that you reside in the state that you say you're residing in. 00:17:00.730 --> 00:17:07.300 position:50% align:middle So, if we go back to the Texas example that I looked at earlier when we showed the map, 00:17:07.300 --> 00:17:16.060 position:50% align:middle if I'm a resident of Texas and I am applying for a compact license in Texas, 00:17:16.060 --> 00:17:22.280 position:50% align:middle when I complete the declaration of primary state of residence, I'm going to put Texas on that line, 00:17:22.280 --> 00:17:24.098 position:50% align:middle and I'm going to sign my name. 00:17:24.620 --> 00:17:28.706 position:50% align:middle Then the board of nursing is going to ask me to give some proof. 00:17:28.960 --> 00:17:36.988 position:50% align:middle So if the proof that you have is your tax documents and your voting card, that is what I would give to them. 00:17:37.160 --> 00:17:42.300 position:50% align:middle If the proof that you have is your driver's license, that is what I would give to them. 00:17:42.840 --> 00:17:51.015 position:50% align:middle But I think that it behooves anyone to have the driver's license and voting and all that 00:17:51.015 --> 00:17:52.790 position:50% align:middle all in the same state. 00:17:53.619 --> 00:18:01.773 position:50% align:middle And I think that that seems to make sense to me, though those aren't difficult things to obtain, 00:18:01.773 --> 00:18:05.453 position:50% align:middle a voter's card or a driver's license. 00:18:07.603 --> 00:18:10.125 position:50% align:middle So, hopefully, that helps. 00:18:10.330 --> 00:18:18.830 position:50% align:middle Now, keep in mind that when you're applying to a board of nursing, the point at which you're showing proof is 00:18:18.830 --> 00:18:22.269 position:50% align:middle at the point that you're applying, and not after that. 00:18:24.880 --> 00:18:30.377 position:50% align:middle And that's because of what we said earlier, that if you're changing your state of residency after that, 00:18:30.377 --> 00:18:35.097 position:50% align:middle then you're expected to notify the board of that change in residency. 00:18:37.380 --> 00:18:43.134 position:50% align:middle You may have to show proof to your employer, however, and that's another story. 00:18:43.134 --> 00:18:50.644 position:50% align:middle So whatever documents your employer asks for is not necessarily the same types of documents that 00:18:50.644 --> 00:18:52.849 position:50% align:middle the board of nursing is going to ask for. 00:18:53.049 --> 00:18:59.520 position:50% align:middle Because an employer asks for proof according to whatever their policies are. 00:18:59.750 --> 00:19:05.270 position:50% align:middle And the policies of an employer obviously don't need to mirror the compact. 00:19:06.267 --> 00:19:12.910 position:50% align:middle So this is what a typical declaration of primary state of residency form...I wouldn't say what 00:19:12.910 --> 00:19:18.115 position:50% align:middle it looks like, but this is what the text of it was probably going to look like. 00:19:18.830 --> 00:19:26.030 position:50% align:middle And I just kind of cut and pasted the text from that form and pasted it on the slide. 00:19:26.640 --> 00:19:29.436 position:50% align:middle So you can see the different options there. 00:19:29.985 --> 00:19:31.394 position:50% align:middle There are five options. 00:19:31.394 --> 00:19:34.450 position:50% align:middle In actuality, they're checkboxes. 00:19:34.450 --> 00:19:39.927 position:50% align:middle So when you're filling out this form, you're checking that box that pertains to you. 00:19:40.300 --> 00:19:42.450 position:50% align:middle Let's look at them very quickly. 00:19:42.450 --> 00:19:49.290 position:50% align:middle And at the top, it gives a definition of primary state of residence, which is your fixed and permanent home or 00:19:49.290 --> 00:19:53.612 position:50% align:middle your principal home for legal purposes, as we said earlier. 00:19:54.800 --> 00:20:00.454 position:50% align:middle Number one, I'm declaring such and such state as my primary state of residence. 00:20:00.454 --> 00:20:07.768 position:50% align:middle So, for example, I'm a resident of Texas, I already live there, I'm applying for a Texas license, 00:20:07.768 --> 00:20:13.713 position:50% align:middle I would check number one, I'm declaring Texas as my PSOR. 00:20:14.230 --> 00:20:15.340 position:50% align:middle Done deal. 00:20:16.594 --> 00:20:19.895 position:50% align:middle And each of this pertain to a different situation. 00:20:20.020 --> 00:20:27.240 position:50% align:middle Number two, "I'm declaring a non-compact state as my primary state of residence." Okay. 00:20:27.240 --> 00:20:29.615 position:50% align:middle So let's pick a non-compact state. 00:20:30.422 --> 00:20:32.120 position:50% align:middle California, okay? 00:20:32.120 --> 00:20:34.969 position:50% align:middle We know California is not a member of the compact. 00:20:35.120 --> 00:20:42.170 position:50% align:middle So when you fill out this form and you check the box, "I declare a non-compact state as my PSOR," 00:20:42.170 --> 00:20:48.473 position:50% align:middle that tells the board of nursing that you're not only not moving to their state but you're staying where you 00:20:48.473 --> 00:20:52.278 position:50% align:middle are in that state, non-compact state. 00:20:52.278 --> 00:20:58.230 position:50% align:middle So that means that they're not going to consider you for a compact license because you're not a resident 00:20:58.230 --> 00:21:03.325 position:50% align:middle of a compact state nor do you say you're going to be a resident of a compact state. 00:21:03.490 --> 00:21:07.630 position:50% align:middle You're basically telling them, "I want to make it clear, 00:21:07.630 --> 00:21:12.221 position:50% align:middle I'm not eligible for a multi-state license because I live in a non-compact state." 00:21:13.480 --> 00:21:21.690 position:50% align:middle Number three, "I am currently a resident of another compact state, and I'm in the process of moving 00:21:21.690 --> 00:21:23.450 position:50% align:middle to your state." 00:21:23.720 --> 00:21:30.114 position:50% align:middle So this is the one you're going to check if you're moving from one compact state to another and you're 00:21:30.114 --> 00:21:45.889 position:50% align:middle applying in advance because it tells them, "I'm in the process of moving to your state." 00:21:45.889 --> 00:21:53.469 position:50% align:middle What that means is that they can start to process your application, but they're not going to issue 00:21:53.469 --> 00:22:01.634 position:50% align:middle the multi-state license until you actually move there, until you actually have that proof that 00:22:01.634 --> 00:22:06.370 position:50% align:middle you're a resident, but you want to apply in advance. 00:22:06.370 --> 00:22:12.440 position:50% align:middle Now, if you're living in another compact state, you actually aren't required to apply in advance, 00:22:12.440 --> 00:22:18.207 position:50% align:middle you can apply after you move there. 00:22:18.608 --> 00:22:19.310 position:50% align:middle All right? 00:22:19.310 --> 00:22:27.466 position:50% align:middle And number four, "I'm declaring another compact state as my primary state of residence." 00:22:27.466 --> 00:22:28.550 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:22:28.550 --> 00:22:38.100 position:50% align:middle So in this situation, the person is, let's say, a resident of Florida, but their job requires them 00:22:38.100 --> 00:22:42.056 position:50% align:middle to practice in Texas, okay? 00:22:42.390 --> 00:22:48.411 position:50% align:middle But in their home state of Florida, they're not eligible for a multi-state license. 00:22:48.720 --> 00:22:55.480 position:50% align:middle Therefore, they need to apply for single-state licenses in every state since the multi-state is not 00:22:55.480 --> 00:22:56.924 position:50% align:middle an option for them. 00:22:57.030 --> 00:23:01.900 position:50% align:middle And that's why number four, it says, "Another compact state is my primary state 00:23:01.900 --> 00:23:05.086 position:50% align:middle of residence, not this one, not Texas." 00:23:07.420 --> 00:23:12.730 position:50% align:middle So, obviously, they wouldn't get a Texas multi-state license because they're not a resident of Texas, 00:23:12.730 --> 00:23:17.603 position:50% align:middle but they're a resident of another state where they should be getting their multi-state license. 00:23:17.690 --> 00:23:22.170 position:50% align:middle But as it goes on to say, "I'm not eligible for multi-state, 00:23:22.170 --> 00:23:24.689 position:50% align:middle therefore I'm requesting a single-state." 00:23:24.689 --> 00:23:33.850 position:50% align:middle And then lastly, "I'm declaring another compact state as my primary state of residence, and I'm not eligible 00:23:33.850 --> 00:23:38.457 position:50% align:middle for a multi-state or a single-state in that state." 00:23:39.000 --> 00:23:51.960 position:50% align:middle So in that case…and sometimes people are completing an application in a state without understanding how 00:23:51.960 --> 00:23:53.489 position:50% align:middle the compact works. 00:23:53.540 --> 00:24:01.281 position:50% align:middle So in other words, they live in one compact state, and they're applying to a different compact state, 00:24:01.281 --> 00:24:07.415 position:50% align:middle and sometimes a nurse isn't aware that they have a compact state in the state where they live. 00:24:07.764 --> 00:24:17.090 position:50% align:middle And so this helps to weed that out because they indicate that they're in another compact state, 00:24:17.090 --> 00:24:20.919 position:50% align:middle not this one, therefore, they shouldn't even be applying to this one. 00:24:20.919 --> 00:24:24.286 position:50% align:middle And the board will advise them of that. 00:24:25.020 --> 00:24:25.951 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:24:26.340 --> 00:24:33.158 position:50% align:middle So, we're continuing on with the rules, and this one, again, is about applicant responsibilities. 00:24:33.697 --> 00:24:41.170 position:50% align:middle A nurse who changes primary state of residence to another compact state shall apply for a new license 00:24:41.170 --> 00:24:43.600 position:50% align:middle in the new compact state. Okay? 00:24:43.600 --> 00:24:50.770 position:50% align:middle So we said that earlier because the compact license is tied to your state of primary state of residency, 00:24:50.770 --> 00:24:55.213 position:50% align:middle if you're going to change your primary state of residency, that's when you need to apply 00:24:55.213 --> 00:24:56.949 position:50% align:middle for a new license. 00:24:57.230 --> 00:25:03.361 position:50% align:middle And it goes on to say, "...when the nurse declares to be a resident of that new state 00:25:03.361 --> 00:25:09.908 position:50% align:middle and obtains privileges that ordinarily would not be given to a non-resident. 00:25:10.320 --> 00:25:20.870 position:50% align:middle So in other words, if I move from Texas to Florida and I get a Florida driver's license, 00:25:20.870 --> 00:25:26.705 position:50% align:middle that's not something that Florida gives to someone who's a non-resident, okay? 00:25:27.000 --> 00:25:31.797 position:50% align:middle The fact that I got that Florida driver's license means I'm a resident now. 00:25:31.910 --> 00:25:36.120 position:50% align:middle And that's what this means, when the nurse declares to be a resident of the state 00:25:36.120 --> 00:25:43.890 position:50% align:middle and obtains a privilege, like a driver's license or voting, those are privileges that would not be normally 00:25:43.890 --> 00:25:46.355 position:50% align:middle given to someone who's not a resident. 00:25:49.300 --> 00:25:50.302 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:25:51.650 --> 00:25:57.218 position:50% align:middle Moving on to Rule 403, the nurse who changes their primary state of residency 00:25:57.218 --> 00:26:04.980 position:50% align:middle from one compact to another compact state may continue to practice under the existing 00:26:04.980 --> 00:26:07.130 position:50% align:middle multi-state license, okay? 00:26:07.130 --> 00:26:11.800 position:50% align:middle So, I'm a Texas nurse, I have a Texas multi-state license, 00:26:11.800 --> 00:26:15.814 position:50% align:middle I'm changing my state of residency to Florida. 00:26:17.020 --> 00:26:21.914 position:50% align:middle Upon moving to Florida, I can immediately start working in Florida 00:26:21.914 --> 00:26:26.244 position:50% align:middle under my Texas multi-state license. 00:26:26.489 --> 00:26:33.012 position:50% align:middle However, as it goes on to say, "...while the application is being processed 00:26:33.012 --> 00:26:37.096 position:50% align:middle and until the new multi-state license is issued in the new state. 00:26:37.171 --> 00:26:44.330 position:50% align:middle So I continue to practice under my Texas multi-state license as long as it takes the Florida Board 00:26:44.330 --> 00:26:48.522 position:50% align:middle of Nursing to process my new application in Florida. 00:26:49.040 --> 00:26:53.480 position:50% align:middle And then what happens after Florida issues that new license? 00:26:53.480 --> 00:26:59.617 position:50% align:middle That's what number two is about, that upon issuing the new license in the new state, 00:26:59.617 --> 00:27:05.260 position:50% align:middle the former state deactivates that license, okay? 00:27:05.260 --> 00:27:09.320 position:50% align:middle So that's exactly what happens with your driver's license, okay? 00:27:09.320 --> 00:27:12.741 position:50% align:middle When I was a Texas resident, I had a Texas driver's license. 00:27:12.741 --> 00:27:17.450 position:50% align:middle When I became a Florida resident, I got a Florida driver's license, 00:27:17.450 --> 00:27:21.930 position:50% align:middle and that took the place of my Texas driver's license. 00:27:21.930 --> 00:27:27.756 position:50% align:middle I don't continue living with two driver's licenses, the new one replaces the former one. 00:27:27.870 --> 00:27:31.238 position:50% align:middle And that's the same way that this works with the nurse compact 00:27:31.238 --> 00:27:37.215 position:50% align:middle when you change from one compact state to another and get a new license in the new state. 00:27:38.856 --> 00:27:46.940 position:50% align:middle The important piece is that you have the benefit of continuing to practice under your old license when you 00:27:46.940 --> 00:27:53.520 position:50% align:middle move from one compact to another compact state until your new license is issued. 00:27:55.848 --> 00:27:58.998 position:50% align:middle So you don't have a lapse in practice. 00:27:59.274 --> 00:28:07.213 position:50% align:middle And this is important for employers to understand because you may recruit someone from another state 00:28:07.213 --> 00:28:15.006 position:50% align:middle and they're coming to your state to work, and they're moving to your state, but you shouldn't have to wait 00:28:15.006 --> 00:28:20.600 position:50% align:middle for them to get the new license in your state because they can start immediately under their 00:28:20.600 --> 00:28:22.902 position:50% align:middle current license from their old state. 00:28:25.080 --> 00:28:28.156 position:50% align:middle And this slide talks a little bit more about that. 00:28:29.381 --> 00:28:37.147 position:50% align:middle So the employers can be assured that they're taking the right steps when they do hire someone. 00:28:37.530 --> 00:28:44.630 position:50% align:middle And it really goes down to the question in the second bullet, the employer needs to determine is the nurse 00:28:44.630 --> 00:28:48.273 position:50% align:middle changing his or her PSOR or not? 00:28:48.390 --> 00:28:50.419 position:50% align:middle That's the big question of the day. 00:28:50.980 --> 00:28:57.070 position:50% align:middle So, you know, sometimes it's obvious, sometimes you're moving across the country, 00:28:57.070 --> 00:29:02.450 position:50% align:middle like from Texas to Florida, and you're accepting a permanent job in Florida. 00:29:02.720 --> 00:29:09.550 position:50% align:middle Well, obviously, if the nurse tells me and I'm the Florida employer, and the nurse tells me, "Oh, 00:29:09.550 --> 00:29:14.055 position:50% align:middle no, I'm still a Texas resident," I would think twice about that 00:29:14.055 --> 00:29:18.224 position:50% align:middle because the nurse just accepted a full-time permanent job in Florida. 00:29:18.410 --> 00:29:21.120 position:50% align:middle How can you still be a Texas resident? 00:29:21.120 --> 00:29:24.551 position:50% align:middle You're living here in Florida primarily now. 00:29:26.294 --> 00:29:32.640 position:50% align:middle If you're an employer, sometimes nurses don't understand it, understand the compact. 00:29:32.640 --> 00:29:40.040 position:50% align:middle But sometimes in a new state that joined the compact not too long ago, sometimes the employer doesn't 00:29:40.040 --> 00:29:43.690 position:50% align:middle understand the compact because there is that learning curve. 00:29:43.690 --> 00:29:47.142 position:50% align:middle It takes time for people to understand how it works. 00:29:48.290 --> 00:29:52.621 position:50% align:middle So the key items here is the third and fourth bullet. 00:29:53.060 --> 00:29:59.060 position:50% align:middle If the nurse is changing their PSOR, then they need to get a new license, and you do that by applying 00:29:59.060 --> 00:30:02.677 position:50% align:middle for license by endorsement. Okay? 00:30:03.360 --> 00:30:10.233 position:50% align:middle So that means that the nurse is leaving, they're giving up their residency in one state 00:30:10.233 --> 00:30:12.780 position:50% align:middle and becoming a resident of another state. 00:30:12.780 --> 00:30:17.839 position:50% align:middle Whereas in the fourth bullet, the nurse is not changing their primary state. 00:30:18.400 --> 00:30:22.475 position:50% align:middle If they're not changing their primary state, then they're going to work 00:30:22.475 --> 00:30:24.679 position:50% align:middle under their existing license. 00:30:24.840 --> 00:30:28.040 position:50% align:middle So let's look at the same two states. 00:30:28.040 --> 00:30:34.650 position:50% align:middle I'm a Texas nurse with a multi-state license, and I'm going to Florida as a travel nurse for two or 00:30:34.650 --> 00:30:38.332 position:50% align:middle three months, then I'm returning back to Texas. 00:30:38.640 --> 00:30:46.240 position:50% align:middle In that scenario, I'm not changing my PSOR, Texas remains my primary state of residence, 00:30:46.240 --> 00:30:55.760 position:50% align:middle and that's why I'm able to continue working in that travel nurse job in Florida under that multi-state 00:30:55.760 --> 00:30:57.756 position:50% align:middle license issued by Texas. 00:30:58.230 --> 00:31:02.856 position:50% align:middle That same scenario is how this works for military spouses. 00:31:03.420 --> 00:31:10.970 position:50% align:middle They have a home state, just like the travel nurse, and they are able to practice in another state, 00:31:10.970 --> 00:31:18.517 position:50% align:middle which they're visiting for a period of time, maybe two or three years, but they're going to work under the 00:31:18.517 --> 00:31:21.166 position:50% align:middle license issued by their home state. 00:31:21.680 --> 00:31:28.489 position:50% align:middle Why? Because they don't intend to make the state where they're stationed temporarily for a few years 00:31:28.489 --> 00:31:30.998 position:50% align:middle their new legal state of residency. 00:31:31.317 --> 00:31:37.286 position:50% align:middle They are only there temporarily as a visitor to the state, okay? 00:31:39.496 --> 00:31:47.790 position:50% align:middle And lastly, employers are always under the gun to make sure that the nurse is appropriately licensed. 00:31:47.790 --> 00:31:55.320 position:50% align:middle And so once you determine is the nurse changing or not changing their primary state of residency, 00:31:55.320 --> 00:32:03.810 position:50% align:middle if they are changing and they need to get a new license, I see many employers implementing policies 00:32:03.810 --> 00:32:10.480 position:50% align:middle by which the nurse needs to take the steps that they need to to get a new license and show the employer 00:32:10.480 --> 00:32:16.104 position:50% align:middle proof within a certain number of days, and that's all according to the employer's policy. 00:32:16.210 --> 00:32:21.990 position:50% align:middle But I understand where the employer's coming from because they want the nurse to be licensed 00:32:21.990 --> 00:32:32.056 position:50% align:middle appropriately so there are no issues from a compliance perspective or from a reimbursement perspective. 00:32:33.190 --> 00:32:40.280 position:50% align:middle Employers are always held to ensuring that all of their providers, not only nurses, 00:32:40.280 --> 00:32:42.989 position:50% align:middle are appropriately licensed or credentialed. 00:32:43.390 --> 00:32:47.840 position:50% align:middle And that means doing the right thing when you're changing your state of residency 00:32:47.840 --> 00:32:49.887 position:50% align:middle with a compact license. 00:32:53.510 --> 00:33:09.389 position:50% align:middle Okay. Nursys.com is that site of the national database where employers should be going to determine whether 00:33:09.389 --> 00:33:14.875 position:50% align:middle a nurse has a multi-state license or not and whether it's active. 00:33:15.050 --> 00:33:21.525 position:50% align:middle You go to nursys.com, and go to the Quick Confirm section of that website. 00:33:21.630 --> 00:33:27.140 position:50% align:middle And you look to see, first of all, as in the middle here, the license status, 00:33:27.140 --> 00:33:31.590 position:50% align:middle if it's unencumbered, meaning there are no restrictions or limitations, 00:33:31.590 --> 00:33:36.825 position:50% align:middle and then the final column, compact status, is it multi-state or single-state? 00:33:37.135 --> 00:33:42.920 position:50% align:middle And if you're not certain what multi-state means, you can click on the question 00:33:42.920 --> 00:33:46.219 position:50% align:middle at the top, "Where can this nurse practice?" 00:33:46.390 --> 00:33:52.240 position:50% align:middle And you click on View Now, and it will show you a map that looks a little like this little one here 00:33:52.240 --> 00:33:53.534 position:50% align:middle on this slide. 00:33:53.660 --> 00:34:01.700 position:50% align:middle But that map is customized to that particular nurse, and it shows every state where that nurse can legally 00:34:01.700 --> 00:34:07.414 position:50% align:middle practice based on the licenses that, that nurse holds, okay? 00:34:09.870 --> 00:34:15.220 position:50% align:middle And if you're not familiar, many states don't have a hard copy 00:34:15.220 --> 00:34:17.164 position:50% align:middle paper license anymore. 00:34:17.320 --> 00:34:19.850 position:50% align:middle Most states are going electronic. 00:34:19.940 --> 00:34:25.000 position:50% align:middle So that means when you need to prove to someone that you have a nursing license, 00:34:25.000 --> 00:34:30.833 position:50% align:middle the employer or whatever entity you're proving it to should be looking it up in a database, 00:34:30.833 --> 00:34:33.285 position:50% align:middle not asking you for a piece of paper. 00:34:33.510 --> 00:34:41.457 position:50% align:middle And that's because of the fraudulent activity that occurs with pieces of paper, like a license, okay? 00:34:41.560 --> 00:34:45.540 position:50% align:middle So this is the site where you do that. 00:34:49.640 --> 00:34:54.200 position:50% align:middle We have a few people on, and we do have some time left over. 00:34:54.200 --> 00:35:02.105 position:50% align:middle So I just want to take a couple of minutes to go through two or three different examples of scenarios. 00:35:02.200 --> 00:35:09.452 position:50% align:middle And I'd like to ask if you wouldn't mind to type in your response to the question. 00:35:12.130 --> 00:35:13.758 position:50% align:middle So we're back to the map. 00:35:15.014 --> 00:35:23.050 position:50% align:middle And if you all don't mind typing in the chat box quickly, I want to make sure that we're clear on how 00:35:23.050 --> 00:35:26.771 position:50% align:middle this works in terms of primary state of residency. 00:35:27.090 --> 00:35:28.002 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:35:28.470 --> 00:35:33.440 position:50% align:middle I am...and you can all see this map, we're looking at the blue states. 00:35:33.440 --> 00:35:38.975 position:50% align:middle Of course, the gray and the green states are all non-compact states. 00:35:39.030 --> 00:35:39.935 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:35:39.935 --> 00:35:52.300 position:50% align:middle So I'm a nurse whose primary state of residency is in Arizona, and I am not moving, and I'm working a travel 00:35:52.300 --> 00:35:55.417 position:50% align:middle nurse job in Colorado. 00:35:55.510 --> 00:36:00.784 position:50% align:middle Do I need to get a Colorado license? Yes or no? 00:36:05.170 --> 00:36:05.601 position:50% align:middle "No." 00:36:05.601 --> 00:36:12.430 position:50% align:middle Correct because you're not changing your primary state of residency, you work in another compact state 00:36:12.430 --> 00:36:15.071 position:50% align:middle under your current license. 00:36:15.071 --> 00:36:17.859 position:50% align:middle Okay. Well, let's do a twist on that. 00:36:19.450 --> 00:36:28.570 position:50% align:middle The same Arizona nurse accepted a job in Georgia, and this is a full-time permanent job in Georgia. 00:36:28.570 --> 00:36:33.730 position:50% align:middle The Arizona nurse is moving to Georgia and is going to relocate there. 00:36:33.730 --> 00:36:36.763 position:50% align:middle That's going to be her new primary state of residence. 00:36:37.195 --> 00:36:43.600 position:50% align:middle Question number one, Upon arriving in Georgia, may she start working under her 00:36:43.600 --> 00:36:46.302 position:50% align:middle Arizona compact license? 00:36:47.730 --> 00:36:49.610 position:50% align:middle "Absolutely." Correct. 00:36:49.610 --> 00:36:55.218 position:50% align:middle And question number two, upon arriving in Georgia, does she need to apply for a Georgia 00:36:55.218 --> 00:36:57.369 position:50% align:middle license by endorsement? 00:37:00.025 --> 00:37:00.681 position:50% align:middle "Yes." 00:37:00.681 --> 00:37:04.037 position:50% align:middle Okay, perfect, perfect, everyone has that. 00:37:05.180 --> 00:37:10.476 position:50% align:middle One more. Washington State, a non-compact state. 00:37:10.580 --> 00:37:19.490 position:50% align:middle I'm a resident of Washington State, and I'm applying for a Idaho license because I live near the 00:37:19.490 --> 00:37:21.126 position:50% align:middle border with Idaho. 00:37:21.790 --> 00:37:23.764 position:50% align:middle My job is in Idaho. 00:37:24.020 --> 00:37:26.707 position:50% align:middle I'm a Washington State resident. 00:37:26.890 --> 00:37:33.582 position:50% align:middle When I apply to the Idaho Board of Nursing, will they issue me an Idaho compact license? 00:37:33.930 --> 00:37:35.136 position:50% align:middle Yes or no? 00:37:35.860 --> 00:37:37.010 position:50% align:middle "No." "No." 00:37:37.010 --> 00:37:40.020 position:50% align:middle Why? Because she's not an Idaho resident. 00:37:40.020 --> 00:37:44.736 position:50% align:middle You got to be a resident of a compact state, she's a resident of Washington State. 00:37:45.060 --> 00:37:47.587 position:50% align:middle Perfect. One final one. 00:37:49.050 --> 00:37:59.017 position:50% align:middle We all know that Kansas has a Kansas City and Missouri has a Kansas City, and they are divided by a river. 00:38:01.479 --> 00:38:05.239 position:50% align:middle It's a big city on both sides of the state. 00:38:05.239 --> 00:38:16.850 position:50% align:middle And I am a Kansas resident, but my career is in Kansas City, Missouri, but I'm a resident of Kansas, 00:38:16.850 --> 00:38:18.470 position:50% align:middle the state of Kansas. 00:38:19.030 --> 00:38:23.557 position:50% align:middle Which state issues my compact license, Kansas or Missouri? 00:38:28.070 --> 00:38:31.534 position:50% align:middle My residency is Kansas, I'm working in Missouri. 00:38:32.066 --> 00:38:33.995 position:50% align:middle Which state issues my…? 00:38:34.300 --> 00:38:37.195 position:50% align:middle Right, "Kansas if you live there." Right, exactly. 00:38:37.195 --> 00:38:41.540 position:50% align:middle Kansas is my PSOR, that's the state that issues my license. 00:38:41.540 --> 00:38:43.904 position:50% align:middle Okay, beautiful. 00:38:44.300 --> 00:38:47.660 position:50% align:middle Let's go to the very end, then to the last slide. 00:38:49.794 --> 00:38:53.978 position:50% align:middle This is my email address, nursecompact@ncsbn.org. 00:38:53.978 --> 00:38:58.110 position:50% align:middle You could always reach me there with any questions that you have. 00:38:58.110 --> 00:39:02.074 position:50% align:middle All of our resources are in our toolkit at the toolkit link. 00:39:02.820 --> 00:39:06.635 position:50% align:middle And then our overall website is nlc.gov. 00:39:07.252 --> 00:39:14.990 position:50% align:middle But in the toolkit, you'll see videos and fact sheets, and in map, you will see at nlc.gov. 00:39:18.760 --> 00:39:19.829 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:39:21.852 --> 00:39:26.211 position:50% align:middle Does anyone have any closing questions before we wrap up? 00:39:33.639 --> 00:39:39.180 position:50% align:middle And if you don't have them now, you can always email them to me at another time 00:39:39.180 --> 00:39:41.497 position:50% align:middle at that email address. Okay. 00:39:43.110 --> 00:39:43.676 position:50% align:middle All right. 00:39:43.676 --> 00:39:53.140 position:50% align:middle So you should have the slides in the chat box, the very top of the chat if you'd like to download that, 00:39:53.140 --> 00:39:56.734 position:50% align:middle otherwise the recording will be available next week on the website. 00:39:57.100 --> 00:39:59.957 position:50% align:middle Thank you...I got someone else typing. 00:39:59.957 --> 00:40:02.029 position:50% align:middle Maybe there's a question coming in. 00:40:04.450 --> 00:40:07.150 position:50% align:middle "Thank you for your time." Oh, you have a great day, too. 00:40:07.150 --> 00:40:09.641 position:50% align:middle All right. Take care, everyone. Bye-bye.