WEBVTT 00:00:00.949 --> 00:00:02.878 position:50% align:middle Meet James, a travel nurse. 00:00:02.878 --> 00:00:05.965 position:50% align:middle James is a resident of a non-compact state. 00:00:05.965 --> 00:00:09.288 position:50% align:middle Therefore, he's not eligible for a compact license. 00:00:09.288 --> 00:00:12.948 position:50% align:middle In order to practice, James needs to be licensed in every state 00:00:12.948 --> 00:00:14.990 position:50% align:middle where his patients are located. 00:00:14.990 --> 00:00:19.320 position:50% align:middle James can maintain or apply for as many single-state licenses as he needs 00:00:19.320 --> 00:00:21.360 position:50% align:middle to practice as a travel nurse. 00:00:21.360 --> 00:00:25.227 position:50% align:middle This process can be costly, burdensome, and time-consuming. 00:00:25.909 --> 00:00:29.678 position:50% align:middle Amy is also a travel nurse, but she lives in a compact state 00:00:29.678 --> 00:00:31.928 position:50% align:middle and holds a multistate license. 00:00:31.928 --> 00:00:35.840 position:50% align:middle For travel nurses like Amy, having a multistate license removes 00:00:35.840 --> 00:00:38.320 position:50% align:middle barriers to practice, eliminates duplicate 00:00:38.320 --> 00:00:42.001 position:50% align:middle of application processes, and unnecessary fees. 00:00:42.001 --> 00:00:47.530 position:50% align:middle Under the Nurse Licensure Compact or NLC, Amy's multistate license allows her 00:00:47.530 --> 00:00:52.390 position:50% align:middle to practice in all compact states without any additional requirements as long as she 00:00:52.390 --> 00:00:55.080 position:50% align:middle maintains her primary state of residence. 00:00:55.080 --> 00:00:59.099 position:50% align:middle Primary state of residence is not about home or property ownership. 00:00:59.099 --> 00:01:03.540 position:50% align:middle All of Amy's legal documents such as her driver's license, federal tax return, 00:01:03.540 --> 00:01:07.764 position:50% align:middle and voter registration need to be from the same state, her home state. 00:01:07.764 --> 00:01:13.230 position:50% align:middle Before Amy can practice in another state, both Amy and her employer need to confirm 00:01:13.230 --> 00:01:15.020 position:50% align:middle her authority to practice there. 00:01:15.020 --> 00:01:18.221 position:50% align:middle This can be done via Nursys QuickConfirm. 00:01:18.221 --> 00:01:22.970 position:50% align:middle It can verify if Amy has a multistate license and if she has any additional 00:01:22.970 --> 00:01:26.610 position:50% align:middle single-state licenses in non-compact states. 00:01:26.610 --> 00:01:31.120 position:50% align:middle As a travel nurse and a holder of a multistate license, Amy needs to remember 00:01:31.120 --> 00:01:34.790 position:50% align:middle if she is temporarily practicing in another state and her driver's 00:01:34.790 --> 00:01:39.280 position:50% align:middle license expires, she should not obtain a driver's license in the state where she 00:01:39.280 --> 00:01:41.200 position:50% align:middle is temporarily practicing. 00:01:41.200 --> 00:01:44.330 position:50% align:middle Similarly, she should not register to vote in the state where she 00:01:44.330 --> 00:01:46.240 position:50% align:middle is temporarily working. 00:01:46.240 --> 00:01:49.280 position:50% align:middle Either of these actions would unintentionally change her 00:01:49.280 --> 00:01:50.761 position:50% align:middle declared home state. 00:01:50.761 --> 00:01:54.940 position:50% align:middle She would then be required to obtain a new license in the new primary state 00:01:54.940 --> 00:01:58.024 position:50% align:middle of residence by completing the endorsement application. 00:01:59.016 --> 00:02:03.350 position:50% align:middle If Amy decides to change her primary state of residence to another state, 00:02:03.350 --> 00:02:08.165 position:50% align:middle she needs to immediately apply for license by endorsement in her new home state. 00:02:09.188 --> 00:02:13.960 position:50% align:middle If Amy's new home state is a compact state, she can continue practicing on her 00:02:13.960 --> 00:02:17.323 position:50% align:middle former multistate license, but only until she is issued 00:02:17.323 --> 00:02:19.372 position:50% align:middle a new multistate license. 00:02:19.372 --> 00:02:23.877 position:50% align:middle She cannot wait until her license expires before applying for a new one. 00:02:23.877 --> 00:02:29.080 position:50% align:middle If her residency changes to a non-compact state, she will no longer be eligible 00:02:29.080 --> 00:02:31.290 position:50% align:middle to hold a multistate license. 00:02:31.290 --> 00:02:34.681 position:50% align:middle Amy's multistate license from her former state will be converted 00:02:34.681 --> 00:02:36.543 position:50% align:middle to a single-state license. 00:02:36.543 --> 00:02:41.206 position:50% align:middle As you can see, the NLC makes being a travel nurse easier by increasing 00:02:41.206 --> 00:02:45.095 position:50% align:middle the number of states you can practice in with one multistate license. 00:02:46.346 --> 00:02:50.948 position:50% align:middle Understanding the NLC and how it pertains to travel nurses will help you achieve 00:02:50.948 --> 00:02:53.741 position:50% align:middle the full benefits of your multistate license. 00:02:53.741 --> 00:03:00.182 position:50% align:middle For additional information about the NLC, visit ncsbn.org/nlc. 00:03:00.182 --> 00:03:03.614 position:50% align:middle ♪ [music] ♪