Education Papers & Publications
Nursing Education Papers
The following are NCSBN education papers that have been written and approved since 2002, by the NCSBN Board of Directors and all NCSBN voting members at our Delegate Assembly. The papers are listed in the order they were adopted.
Policy Brief: Clinical Experiences for Unvaccinated Nursing Students
To provide guidance to boards of nursing and nursing education programs that are receiving requests from students for alternate clinical experiences when the program’s clinical sites require the COVID-19 vaccine.
2021 | Papers
Policy Brief Dissemination of COVID Information
To address the misinformation being disseminated about COVID-19 by nurses.For the purposes of this statement, misinformation is defined as distorted facts, inaccurate or misleading information not grounded in the peer-reviewed scientific literature and counter to information being disseminated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
2021 | Papers
Policy Brief: U.S. Nursing Leadership Supports Practice/Academic Partnerships to Assist the Nursing Workforce during the COVID-19 Crisis
This opportunity will not only provide much needed clinical education to assist in meeting program requirements, it is an unparalleled opportunity for nursing students to assist the nation in a time of crisis and learn the principles of population health and emergency management. This academic-practice model demonstrates that in the midst of a periling disruption in the environment, such as COVID-19, continuous innovation can occur
2021 | Papers
Preceptor Support in Hospital Transition to Practice Programs
The aim of this study was to describe newly licensed RN (NLRN) preceptorships and the effects on competency and retention.2015 | Papers
Regulatory Implications and Recommendations for Distance Education in Prelicensure Nursing Programs
Regulatory Implications and Recommendations for Distance Education in Prelicensure Nursing Programs." Description: This article provides the background and related literature findings for the recommendations that NCSBN's Distance Learning Education Committee made for prelicensure nursing programs. These recommendations were adopted at NCSBN's 2014 annual meeting. Further, regulator and educator issues are explored. Five regulatory guidelines are explained, and a timeline for BONs meeting these recommendations is described. Citation: Lower, B. & Spector, N. (2014). Regulatory implications and recommendations for distance education in prelicensure nursing programs. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 5(3), 24-33.
2014 | Papers
White Paper: Nursing Regulation Recommendations for Distance Education
Background and literature review on the regulation of prelicensure distance education programs; regulatory issues; recommendations for BONs; visual model and timeline for adopting the recommendations.
2014 | Papers
2012 Prelicensure Nursing Program Approval
This is Part II of the Nursing Education Committee document, which contains strategies for moving forward on the future of approval of BONs. As part of this work, the committee members hosted a World Cafe' meeting, where the participants dialogued about the alignment of approval, education and accreditation. See the monograph that resulted from that World Cafe' meeting.
2012 | Papers
A Preferred Future for Prelicensure Nursing Program Approval
NCSBN's Nursing Education Committee wrote a report on the first year of their work in analyzing and making recommendations for the future of approval by Boards of Nursing. This report was approved in May 2011, by NCSBN's Board of Directors.
2011 | Papers
2010 Policy Position Statement
Position statement on the advancement of Nursing Education. NCSBN's Board of Directors endorses continued learning at all levels of nursing and supports the Tri-Council consensus policy on the advancement of Nursing Education.
2010 | Papers
Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: Licensure, Accreditation, Certification and Education
Gain a better understanding of the requirements for adopting the Consensus Model for APRN Regulation.
2008 | Papers
Transition to Practice Report
This report is a companion to the Transition Evidence Grid. The report synthesizes all the evidence on transitioning new nurses to practice. It illustrates the importance of formal transition programs in protecting the public, and it provides the data that support the components of the Transition Regulatory Model. This report was adopted by the May, 2008 NCSBN Board of Directors.
2008 | Papers
Clinical Instruction in Prelicensure Nursing Programs
NCSBN's membership takes the position that all prelicensure students should have supervised, clinical experiences with actual patients, at the level of licensure to which they are seeking. This paper provides the background and evidence for that decision.
2005 | Papers
Systematic Review of Studies on Nursing Education Outcomes: An Evolving Review
This paper critically reviews the available research on methodologies used to educate nurses, particularly looking at those studies that identify outcomes. Specified criteria were used for selecting the studies, and each study was reviewed with regard to: sample, comparison studied, procedures, key results, strengths and weaknesses, and implications for boards of nursing. Adopted August, 2005.
2005 | Papers
Nursing Education Publications
The following is a list of articles and book chapters written by NCSBN staff and members found in NCSBN's journal and other journals and books.
The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Nursing Education Programs
This paper has data from NCSBN’s Annual Report Program on 798 nursing programs in 2020 and 929 in 2021, related to the effect of COVID-19 on nursing education programs.
2024 | Research Item
Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Nursing Education: A National Study of Prelicensure RN Programs
This is a mixed-methods, longitudinal study of prelicensure RN student experiences during the pandemic (Fall of 2020-Spring of 2022).
2023 | Research Item
Applying Principles of a Fair and Just Culture to a Student Scenario
This article highlights establishing a just culture in schools of nursing.
2023 | Research Item
Nursing Student Errors and Near Misses: Three Years of Data
This 3-year study in more than 200 nursing programs in the U.S. investigates the errors and near misses that occur during clinical experiences.
2023 | Research Item
A New Framework for Practice–Academic Partnerships During the Pandemic—and into the Future
This chapter highlights the current status of transition-to-practice programs, both for RNs and APRNs.
2021 | Research Item
NCSBN Regulatory Guidelines and Evidence-Based Quality Indicators for Nursing Education Programs
From the Journal of Nursing Regulation July 2020 special supplement issue, NCSBN presents evidence-based regulatory guidelines and quality indicators for nursing programs.
2021 | Research Item
Board of Nursing Approval of Registered Nurse Education Programs
Read about the current status of the regulatory approval of nursing education programs in the United States. What are the challenges and opportunities for the future of program approval?
2018 | Research Item
Transition to Practice in Nonhospital Settings
A survey conducted in 2001, and replicated in 2003 with the same results, found that fewer than 50% of employers thought newly licensed nurses were safe and effective in practice. These findings caused concern for boards of nursing, so in 2002 the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) began to examine transition to practice (TTP) in nursing, developing an evidence-based model program and studying its effectiveness in hospital and nonhospital settings. After completion of the TTP study in hospitals with registered nurses (RNs) published earlier in 2015, a study was conducted in nonhospital facilities with RNs and licensed practical nurses to determine if NCSBN’s TTP program could be used effectively across settings. Sites volunteering to participate, however, faced many challenges while the study was underway. This article presents the TTP program, study design, challenges faced by nonhospital sites trying to implement a TTP program, and limited findings
2015 | Research Item
NCSBN Simulation Guidelines for Prelicensure Nursing Programs
The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) published the results of the largest, most comprehensive study to date concerning the use of simulation as a substitute for traditional clinical experience. Results of the study, which were published in 2014, demonstrated that high-quality simulation experiences could be substituted for up to 50% of traditional clinical hours across the prelicensure nursing curriculum. An expert panel convened by NCSBN evaluated the data gathered through this study, examined previous research and the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Standards of Best Practice: SimulationSM, and used their collective knowledge to develop national simulation guidelines for prelicensure nursing programs. This article presents those guidelines, evidence to support the use of simulation, and information for faculty and program directors on preparation and planning for using simulation successfully in their nursing programs.
2015 | Research Item
The National Council of State Boards of Nursing transition to practice study: Implications for educators
NCSBN's Transition to Practice (TTP) study: implications for educators.
2015 | Research Item
A Regulatory Model for Transitioning Newly Licensed Nurses to Practice
This article discusses the importance of developing a national, standardized program, implemented through regulation, for transitioning all newly licensed nursing graduates to practice.
2010 | Research Item
Use of Simulation in Nursing Education: National Survey Results
While simulation in nursing programs continues to increase, it is important to understand the prevalence of this new technology in nursing education, how this technology is utilized, and how educators are preparing to teach with this educational tool. This article reports on the results of a survey conducted by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing of 11,060 pre-licensure nursing programs in the United States as a means of describing use of simulation.
2010 | Research Item
Transition to Practice: Improving Patient Outcomes
This chapter examines the evidence that a standardized transition program for new graduate nurses has a positive impact on patient safety.
2009 | Research Item
Regulation Fosters Innovations in Nursing Education
Because of the complexities in nursing and healthcare delivery and a national focus on patient safety, there has been a call across nursing organizations and healthcare organizations for more innovation in nursing and healthcare education. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing held an invitational roundtable, involving representatives from nursing education organizations, boards of nursing, the American Nurses Association, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Topics of discussion included the meaning and implications of innovation in nursing education, perceived barriers to innovation, and the future of innovation. This article summarizes the outcomes of the roundtable’s discussion.
2009 | Research Item
Exit Exams: A regulatory perspective
A significant role for most state boards of nursing, whose mission is to protect the public, is the approval of nursing education programs in their state. As part of this process, many of the state boards review their schools’ annual pass rates of first-time NCLEX-RN candidates and compare these percentages to state regulations. Schools whose pass rates fall below the state standard risk losing the approval of their state board of nursing.
2006 | Research Item
Ethics in practice: NCLEX results to disclose or not disclose
Individuals and organizations involved in nursing regulation, education, and practice can effectively increase their influence related to nursing regulation and improving health care in several ways.
2004 | Research Item
Report of Findings from the 2002 RN Practice Analysis (Vol. 10)
This practice analysis describes and compares the practice characteristics and activities of newly licensed registered nurses (RNs). The empirical findings were used to evaluate the 2004 NCLEX-RN Test Plan. (© 2003)
2003 | Research Item
Report of Findings from the 2001 RN Practice Analysis Update (Vol. 1)
The purpose of this study is discovery of any potential differences between the entry-level practices of graduates of associate degree and baccalaureate degree RN educational programs (© 2002).
2002 | Research Item
Report of Findings from the Practice and Professional Issues Survey (Vol. 2)
The purpose of this study is discovery of any potential differences between the entry-level practices of graduates of associate degree and baccalaureate degree RN educational programs (© 2002).
2002 | Research Item